Chapter 67

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Andy and Robert were checking for the umpteenth time to see if they had packed everything Emily would need for the twins.

Robert: "Are we sure it's a good idea to leave Mila and Marcus with my sister?"

Andy: "Why wouldn't that be a good idea?"

Robert: "I don't know.. it's just that.. Mila and Marcus are small and.."

Andy: "You remember, right, that it was your idea?" she said giving a small laugh.

Robert: "Yes, ok"

Andy: "We decided together that this time Mila and Marcus would be with them for a few hours and then they will try to keep them a little longer. If everything goes well, we will have our evening soon" she said approaching her husband. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

Robert: "Yes, but.. ok, I admit it, I will miss being away from my children"

Andy: "I know, it's a feeling I had when I went out with Emily and Michelle"

Robert: "I read what you wrote in her diary" he responded by hugging her wife from behind and then giving her a kiss on her cheek. "What will we do while our children are with my sister?"

Andy: "I'd like to get some sleep"

Robert: "I think it's a good idea"

Andy: "Let's go get Mila and Marcus so we can take them to Emily" Robert nodded.

Andy and Robert went into the twins' room to get them and after cuddling them for a few minutes, they left the house to go to Emily. As soon as Robert rang the doorbell, Emily immediately opened the door and was happy to be able to spend some time together with Mila and Marcus.

Emily: "I couldn't wait for this moment" she said very happily as she picked up Mila and Marcus. "These two little ones will look great with Aunt Emily" she said, smiling.

Andy: "I'm sure" she replied, smiling as he placed the bag with the twins' things on the sofa. "Here in the bag is everything you might need and I'll put the milk in the fridge for you. They ate about an hour ago, but they're still hungry" she said as she took the bottles full of milk to put them in the refrigerator.

Robert: "And if there are problems, call us"

Emily: "Don't worry, everything will be fine, don't worry" Andy and Robert nodded. "Now go home and have some fun" she said, winking at them.

Robert: "We'll go home, but not to have fun, but to sleep" Emily shook her head.

Andy: "See you later"

Emily: "See you later"

While Andy and Robert returned to their home, Emily sat on the sofa so she could cuddle her nephews a bit. That was the first time for her that she could cuddle them peacefully without anyone else being there and she was happy to spend a little with them. Emily hadn't said anything to anyone so that no one would bother her. Mila and Marcus looked at aunt Emily and smiled and she smiled back at her. Emily started telling little stories and every time Emily made funny little voices, Marcus and Mila laughed. Meanwhile at home Andy and Robert had checked that Lilli's bowls were full with water and food and then went to their room. Once they lay in bed, Andy cuddled up to her husband and after a few minutes they both fell asleep. After a while Andy woke up because she was now used to checking on her twins, but as soon as she remembered that they were together with Emily, she relaxed again in her husband's arms. Emily, on the other hand, continued to tell stories to her nephews in very funny voices and when she then noticed that they were starting to get a little more agitated than usual, she realized that perhaps it was time to eat. Emily put Mila and Marcus in the stroller and then she went into the kitchen to heat up the milk. Once she had prepared the bottles with the right amount of milk, she returned to the living room and looked for the best way to be able to give the bottles to both Marcus and Mila at the same time. The two children were calm in the stroller, so Emily decided to leave them there and brought the bottles closer to them. At first it was a little difficult for Emily because she had only had one child at a time, but once she found a way to feed the twins at the same time, things became easier. After both babies finished their bottles, Emily continued to leave the two babies in the stroller to let them digest and then, before letting them take a nap, she changed their diapers. After Emily changed Mila and Marcus' diapers, she put the twins in the stroller and started walking around the house so the two babies would fall asleep. After a few hours Andy and Robert started to wake up and after looking around and not seeing the twins, they immediately got out of bed and then started laughing.

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