Chapter 32

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When Andy returned, Elena was with her and everyone except Vic was blown away.

Andy: "Robert and I haven't been away all this time just to take a vacation, but we went to look for my mother" everyone kept looking at Andy without saying a word. "Robert and William helped me find out where she lived and we went to her" she said as she shook Robert's hand. "I didn't want to tell you anything before her because I didn't know how she would go, but you are my family and I would like to introduce her to you too. This is Elena, my mother"

Nobody said anything, they were still processing the news and Andy looked worried. Vic, seeing that Andy was concerned, decided to be the first to speak.

Vic: "Welcome to the family Elena" she said smiling.

Elena: "Thank you Vic"

Travis: "Wait" he turned to Vic. "You knew it?"

Vic: "Yes. Luke and I picked them up at the airport and then they told us everything"

Travis: "Oh, ok" then he turned to Elena. "Nice to meet you, I'm Travis" she said as she introduced herself.

Elena: "Nice to meet you Travis" she replied with a smile.

They all introduced themselves in turn and invited Elena to sit at the table with them. Seeing that behavior, Andy relaxed and smiled and Robert hugged her.

Robert: "I told you everything would be fine" Andy nodded. "I think they have a lot of questions to ask you and your mother"

Andy: "I know" she replied with a sigh.

Robert: "I'm always here next to you" he said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Andy: "Thanks"

Andy and Robert also sat at the table, but Andy, instead of sitting in her chair, sat on Robert's lap and he hugged her.

Andy: "I know you have a lot of questions, but... not right now" Everyone nodded, except Ryan.

Ryan: "You could have asked me for help" he said annoyed.

Andy: "I've asked for your help before and you didn't want to help me"

Ryan: "I know, but.."

Andy: "No buts. Why are you still here? Shouldn't you go to work?"

Ryan: "Actually I.."

Andy: "I don't care, get out of here"

Robert: "Calm down kitty" he said whispering in Andy's ear.

Ryan is gone and Andy's behavior obviously didn't go unnoticed by her mother, but before she could ask her daughter anything, Andy anticipated the answer.

Andy: "Yeah, once me and him were something"

Robert: "Luckily not now but not anymore" Elena gave a small laugh.

Elena: "Are you jealous?"

Robert: "Well.." Elena had to answer as a jealous husband. "of course I'm jealous of my wife"

Elena: "This is nice, it's clear that you love her very much" Robert, not knowing how to answer, nodded.

Travis: "Can we just know where you've been? You know I'm very curious" they all laughed.

Andy: "We went to Puerto Rico and then we went to Miami to see the kids" she replied with a big smile.

Travis: "And.."

Andy: "What do you think if you come to our house tomorrow night?" everyone nodded and then she turned to Travis. "And yes, you can ask all the questions you want"

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