Chapter 48

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Robert: "Hey caramelos, good morning" he said giving many small kisses on Andy's belly. "Now you are still very small, but when you grow inside your mother's belly, try to be calm" he said continuing to stroke Andy's belly. "Mom and I already love you so much" he continued to say leaving more kisses on Andy's belly and then she woke up.

Andy: "Are you going to keep talking to them every morning?"

Robert: "Absolutely yes" he replied smiling. "Did you hear me doing this the past few days too?"

Andy: "Yes, and it's very sweet" she replied smiling softly.

Robert: "I thought you hadn't heard me until now" he replied laying down next to his wife so he could give her a kiss.

Andy: "I heard you every morning, but while you were talking to them I always kept pretending to sleep" she said as her hand was intertwined with Robert's and both their hands were on her belly.

Robert: "You know that we couldn't keep it hidden for much longer? Now the belly is starting to notice especially when you wear tight-fitting shirts"

Andy: "I know, I know" she replied with a snort. Many of my things have started to feel cramped, including the tops and pants I use to work. Can we just wait until I get to the third month?"

Robert: "Of course we can wait" he replied giving her a kiss. "And don't worry about the clothes, one of these days I'll take you shopping while at the station you can use my shirts" Andy nodded. "And then as soon as we get to the station I'm going to ask for some new stuff for you and while we're at it we should also send the wedding papers as we are now officially married"

Andy: "Right, I forgot we had to do this. Will you think about sending them to the Chief?"

Robert: "Yes, of course" he replied giving her another kiss. "I'm going to make breakfast, okay?" Andy nodded.

Andy: "No coffee for me, right?"

Robert: "Exactly and since you can't drink it, I won't drink it either"

Andy: "Are you going to drink those awful tasting smoothies you make for me?"

Robert: "Absolutely not. I know they don't taste great, but they're good for you and our little babies" Andy snorted.

Andy: "I'll find a way to make you drink them too"

Robert: "I hope you find that way as late as possible" he replied with a small laugh. "I love you"

Andy: "I love you too" she replied giving him a kiss.

Robert then got out of bed, dressed very quickly and then went to prepare breakfast while Andy got ready more calmly. While in the bathroom, she took off her shirt, she turned to her profile and he could see how her belly was starting to show and instinctively she smiled and started stroking her belly. Andy kept stroking her little belly and only stopped when she heard her husband's voice calling her because breakfast was ready. Andy then dressed quickly and then joined her husband in the kitchen.

Robert: "Is everything okay?"

Andy: "Yes. I was just getting distracted seeing how much my tummy has grown these last couple of weeks" she replied smiling.

Robert: "And it will still grow a lot" he said giving his wife a kiss on the cheek. "Now drink this and then I promise you that before we get to the station we will stop for your favorite pastries"

Andy: "Ok" she replied taking a sip of the smoothie Robert had made her. "It's disgusting" Robert laughed. "I know you're doing it for our own good, but I swear I'll get my revenge soon"

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