Chapter 59

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Jo: "The twins are fine, but from now on you'll have to rest all day" Andy didn't like that very much and in fact he huffed.

Andy: "Can I continue to go to the station to work?"

Jo: "Absolutely not. You will have to stay at home and lie down as much as possible. You will have to do it for the sake of your children. I know, it will be very boring to lie around all day doing nothing, but I'm sure you will be able to find something to pass the time"

Andy: "So I'll be forced to rest" Jo nodded. "That means no sex, right?"

Joe: "Exactly. You're at a particular stage in your pregnancy, I know your hormones are going crazy, but really, you just need to rest until it's time for the babies to be born" Andy nodded. "And of course if you feel other pains like today, call me right away and have them taken to the hospital"

Andy: "I will" she replied as she straightened her shirt.

Robert: "I will make sure that you always have everything you need at your disposal" he said helping his wife to get up from the bed so that they could then leave the hospital.

After Jo gave Andy and Robert the folder with Andy's ultrasound photos, they walked out of the hospital, but Andy wasn't too happy. The drive home had been very quiet and once they entered the house, Robert made Andy lay down on the sofa.

Andy: "So this is how I'm going to spend the next few weeks? Lying in bed or on the couch doing nothing?"

Robert: "Yes" he answered sitting next to her. "But you will never be alone. I will be there, your mother will be there, my mother"

Andy: "You can't always be with me"

Robert: "But yes. No one will leave you alone, I promise you" he replied giving her a tender kiss and in the meantime Lilli approached them. "Now you stay here to keep mum company while I make some phone calls" he said taking the puppy to put it on the sofa with Andy. "I'll call Luke and then our mothers, ok?" Andy nodded. "I'll be right back"

While Andy stayed on the couch cuddling Lilli, Robert called Luke to tell him Andy was fine and that from now on she would be home. Furthermore Robert had asked Luke for a few days off to be able to be with Andy so that she would not feel alone and abandoned and obviously Luke gave him the rest of the week to stay at home. Robert then called Elena and Eleonor and explained what had happened. Both Elena and Eleonor told Robert that they would immediately go to them and as soon as he hung up the phone, he went back to his wife.

Robert: "For the rest of the week I will stay at home with you and soon both your mother and my mother will be here"

Andy: "Luke really let you stay at home?"

Robert: "Yes. you've already felt abandoned by me once and I don't want you to feel that way again" a tear rolled down Andy's face. "Hey, hey, don't cry" he said wiping those tears from his wife's face.

Andy: "You know that I wouldn't have felt abandoned?" Robert nodded. "But thanks for staying here with me"

Robert: "Here with you is the only place I want to be. I love you"

Andy: "I love you too" she replied kissing him.

Robert sat next to his wife as he stroked her belly in anticipation of Elena and Eleonor's arrival. Robert felt the twins kicking and while he kept stroking Andy's belly, she fell asleep. When Eleonor and Elena arrived shortly after, Andy was still asleep so they let her sleep.

Elena: "Is Andy okay?"

Robert: "Yes. Both she and the children are fine, but he has to rest until the end of the pregnancy" Elena and Eleonor nodded.

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