Arabella's Intro

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Arabella Gilbert, also known as Mystic Falls party animal. She is the wild and sarcastic twin of Elena Gilbert, the only difference between them both is that Arabella's hair is naturally wavy and she has sea green eyes whereas Elena has naturally straight hair and brown eyes. Arabella is the complete opposite to her sister, from her dress sense to her confident attitude. She doesn't have perfect grades or attendance and she is constantly getting into trouble.

Arabella dragged Elena along to the back to school party at the falls, much to her parents disapproval. Elena got into a fight with her boyfriend, Matt, and begged a drunk Arabella to phone her parents to come and collect them.

Their parents died that night leaving the Gilbert twins and their younger brother Jeremy as orphans.

When the Gilbert twin's woke up in the hospital, nobody could fathom how they managed to get out of the car. The doctors kept saying it was a miracle. They were questioned by the police about the entire night but Arabella couldn't remember anything between phoning her parents and getting in the car. She assumed it was the alcohol.

After the accident Arabella shut the world out, she blamed herself! If she hadn't of blown off family night, the accident wouldn't of happened. She constantly replayed the moments leading upto the accident in her head over and over again, her parents were shouting at her for attending the party, been under the influence of alcohol and dragging Elena into it. She spent the summer having sex and partying with her boyfriend and it did help to numb the pain for a little while.

But as time went on Arabella was getting back to how she used to be and she couldn't wait to start her new school year....

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