The Murder Of One

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After a night away from the brunette due to her been so unbelievably mad at both of the idiotic Salvatore brothers, Damon and Stefan headed over to Alarics loft so they could start making white oak stakes, just incase they ever needed them.

So Damon thought anyway.

Arabella pulled up outside Alaric's apartment building and climbed out of her vehicle, a bag of food and some takeaway coffee's in hand. She made her way through the double doors and up the stairs leading up to Alaric's apartment.

"Good Morning, princess. Are you here to apologise for leaving me to sleep alone all night?" Damon joked as he answered the door.

"Nope! You deserved it. I'm here to see Alaric." The brunette moved to step around him so she could enter the apartment, but Damon stepped outside and closed the door to stop her from entering.

"He's indecent, but he's fine." Damon said, he stepped closer to her and stroked his hand down her cheek. "Come on, Elle. I hate it when you're mad at me" He leaned forward and she allowed him to kiss her, his lips felt velvety soft against hers, making her knees feel weak.

"Does that mean evil-Alaric hasn't made an appearance?" Arabella asked when they pulled apart.

Damon shook his head "Nope. Stefan stayed with him and apparently he slept like a baby and woke up Alaric. No head minds about council members or a certain stunningly, gorgeous Gilbert twin."

Arabella frowned and took a step back, her head tilted to one side. "Then why do I feel like you're hiding something from me? Tell him to put clothes on and let me in."

"You're just been paranoid again, babe." He looked down at the bag of food in her hands and inhaled deeply "So what'd you bring me?" He asked snatching the bag from her hand, opening it up "Ooo, Chocolate muffins. You know what they say; a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Lucky for you, you've already stolen that, so I won't be needing these."

Damon wrapped his arm around her waist but Arabella quickly wriggled away from him and kept her distance. She still wasn't convinced that Damon was telling the truth.

"It's a good job they aren't for you then."

"Fine. Keep convincing yourself you're still mad at me. But sadly, Ric's gonna have to miss Arabella time today. He's on lockdown. Just incase."

Arabella handed him the coffee's "Just take it and give it to him and tell him that I don't blame him for what happened and that I miss him and I still need him to give me away."

"I will." Damon promised before he pulled her close and kissed her lovingly "Speaking of our upcoming wedding. I was thinking we should set a date."

"Well obviously." She replied as she wrapped her arms around his waist "Do you have one in mind?"

"October 30th."

"Okay, so that gives us literally one year to plan. I can do that." Arabella said with a smile.

"No, babe. October 30th this year."

Arabella's face paled "What?!" She replied, her heart was beating a million miles per hour and her eyes were wide open "Babe, that's like 4 weeks?! I can't do it, I'm so stressed enough as it is and I haven't even got my wedding party organised. What the-"

"I don't care! I don't care if we get married in a shed, wearing pyjamas. After what happened with Alaric, I want you with me all the time, I panic when I'm not with you incase you're hurt... I want you to be mine, I want you to be an official Salvatore and I want you for eternity." He paused and cupped her cheeks "I want you to be my wife Arabella. I'd marry you now if we could. So what do you think?"

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