The Sacrifice

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Arabella jolted awake when a door slammed loudly, she quickly sat up and swung her legs out of her bed before slowly walking across her room. Pulling open her bedroom door, she quietly approached Jeremy's room and peeked in through his ajar door.

Suddenly Arabella heard a noise, she whipped her whole body around and let out a low gasp at the sight infront of her, Alaric, in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts.

"Arabella" Alaric whispered before lowering the ice cream he was holding towards his nether region.

"So sorry, I heard something" Arabella apologised, her gaze landing on the ice-cream tub "Is that my ice-cream?" She asked.

Jenna walked up behind Alaric in his shirt, running her hand through her hair in embarrassment. "We didn't think anyone else was up" Alaric said.

"But here you are" Jenna commented avoiding Arabella's furious gaze.

"Is that my ice-cream?" Arabella pressed.

Jenna nodded and Alaric quickly handed over the tub "Look, I'm naked, so I'm just gonna -" he trailed off pointing towards the bedroom.

"I'm really sorry" Jenna apologised "I know he's been staying over alot, are you-"

Arabella cut her off "Jenna it's fine, it seems like things are good with you both and I happen to really like him"

A massive grin appeared on the strawberry blondes lips "Things are really good but are you sure it's ok for him-"

Arabella cut her off again "Promise to keep your hands off my ice-cream and maybe keep your clothes on when you're not in the bedroom and he can stay as much as he wants" Jenna blushed furiously before Arabella kissed her on the cheek "Goodnight Aunt J" she said before going downstairs to put her precious ice-cream back in the freezer.

Arabella was in her room getting ready for the day, she was sat at her dressing table finishing up her make-up when Elena pushed open her bedroom door "Stefan and Damon are downstairs, they said it was important" she informed her.

Arabella huffed "give me ten minutes" she replied standing up and walking over to her closet. She pulled out a plaid print cami top and shorts set before placing them on her bed. She walked back over to her dressing table, pulling her hair up into a high ponytail.

 She walked back over to her dressing table, pulling her hair up into a high ponytail

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She quickly got herself dressed and placed her denim jacket over her shoulders. She grabbed her black bag before exiting her bedroom. The brunette could hear hushed voices as she descended the stairs "It's about time" the older Salvatore joked as Arabella reached the bottom step which earned him the middle finger in return.

"Whats this about?" She questioned with a bored expression.

"They went to see Katherine" Elena answered and Arabella's eyes widened before she whipped her head in the brothers direction, her eyes bouncing between them both.

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