Ordinary People

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Damon let out a breath as he left her room, his heart was beating hard against his chest.

'She doesn't remember me'

He called Alaric and explained everything and it didn't take long for the history teacher and Jeremy to return to the hospital, both wearing the same worried expressions. The Gilbert boy headed straight for Arabella's room whilst Alaric went to try and comfort his friend.

"Don't!" Damon warned the moment he heard Alaric open the door, he was pacing up and down the family room.

"Damon" Alaric said stepping inside and closing the door behind him "You need to remember that she's been unconscious for a long time, she probably wasn't even fully awake"

"But what if she was, Ric?! What if she doesn't remember me, or any of us?"

"Then we take each day as it comes" Alaric said "She's had a traumatic experience, she has a head injury and she was most likely still drunk."

"Fuck! You're probably right. That doesn't mean it didn't hurt!" he said sitting himself down in one of the bucket chairs, dragging his hands down his face "She stared me straight in the eyes and she looked genuinely confused, I had to get out of there."

"She's not awake now, the doctor said it will take her a while until she's fully conscious." Jeremy informed as he entered the room.

Damon looked up at him with a sad smile. He was keeping everything crossed for his girl to wake up and remember that they are together, that they love each other. For the first time in his life he was genuinely scared. Granted he could probably get the girl to fall in love with him again but then there was that nagging feeling at the back of his mind.. 'what if?'.

It felt like years had passed whilst he sat at her bedside, but it had actually only been a couple of hours. Both Alaric and Jeremy had stayed with him with the odd visit from Caroline and Bonnie.

The door to Arabella's room was slowly pushed open and everyone looked in that direction. A low groan left the older Salvatore's lips when he locked eyes with those of Elena Gilbert, followed by Matt Donovan.

He sent the quarterback a half smile before he pushed himself up from the chair and abruptly left the hospital room. He couldn't bare to be in the same room as the younger Gilbert twin.

Matt approached Arabella's bedside and sat himself down in the chair that Damon was occupying "So, she still hasn't full woken up?"

"Nope" Alaric said popping the 'p' moving out of his seat, allowing Elena to sit down "She woke up and didn't know who Damon was and then she fell unconscious again. The doctors said it was normal so it's just a case of waiting it out."

"I'm suprised you haven't followed after Damon." Jeremy said sarcastically to Elena not paying her a single glance. He still really wasn't happy with his sister for the way she acted, but then again, I don't think any of them were. "I mean, it's the perfect opportunity to try and get into his pants, Elle isn't with us and Damon is vulnerable."

"Jeremy!" Alaric scolded "Now is not the time or the place to start an argument."

"It's fine, Ric" Elena reassured trying her hardest to hold back the tears. She looked across at Jeremy and shook her head "Look, I know what I did wasn't exactly very sisterly but you all can't blame me for Arabella's actions. She made the choice to drink until it nearly killed her, I didnt pour it down her throat."

"Yes it is!" Jeremy snapped "If you had just left Damon alone, non of this would've happened. Don't you get that?"

"Can you two please, shut the hell up!" Arabella muttered which caused everyone to whip their heads down at her, eyes wide from shock.

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