The Hybrid

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The next morning, Damon was pulling down all the tracings of Stefan and Klaus' journey from his closet. He had the TV on low, waiting for the morning news. Arabella was still curled up in bed, fast asleep and Damon didn't have the heart in him to wake her up.

Elena knocked on the doorframe before she entered the room "You've been dodging my calls" she said as she walked closer towards him.

He turned away from her and continued to throw the paper into the lit fireplace "I had a drunk girlfriend to deal with and you're gonna end up waking her hungover ass up if you don't shut up!" He warned.

"I don't care!" Elena replied going over to the bed and shoving her sister. "Elle, wake up!" She said. Arabella shot up, startled and flung the covers off of her body. Damon turned to the younger Gilbert and shot her a dangerous look before he continued to get rid of their research.

Arabella took in her surroundings before she swung her legs out of bed. Her head was pounding and the room felt like it was spinning.

"Whether suicide or a tragic accident, WPKW News has lost one of its shining stars" Echoed around the room from the TV and Arabella immediately snapped her head towards it. Seeing Andie's face pop up on the screen made her stomache churn. Elena and Damon watched as she pushed herself up off the bed and slowly walked towards the television in a daze "Field reporter and weekend anchor, Andie Starr was discovered.."

Damon quickly shut the TV off and Arabella just stood staring at the blank screen. "Elle?" He questioned taking cautious steps towards her. He could see the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Arabella turned around with a glazed look in her eyes "It was Stefan, wasn't it?" She asked to which Damon slowly nodded his head.

"Why? Why did he kill her? Why didn't you tell me last night?" She snapped. "She was, she was my closest friend and you didn't think to tell me that he had murdered her!"

"I tried, I wanted to tell you but then he called you and I got.. I got distracted." Damon replied feeling the burning jealousy rise within him. Arabella tried to think back on last night and remembered Damon speaking before her phone interuppted.

"He called you?" Elena questioned, shocked.

Arabella nodded her head before she turned back to Damon "Why? Why did he do it?" She asked. She was confused because the birthday text he had sent her, felt like he was still himself.

"Elle, maybe we should talk in private" he suggested, gesturing to Elena.

"Just fucking tell me."

Damon took a deep breathe. This was it. She was going to blame herself. "Because you didn't show! He text you from Andie's phone. He told her if you didn't turn up he would kill her. Which he did. He also said that we need to stop looking for him because it's causing trouble with Klaus."

Arabella stilled, her feet rooted to the spot. It was her fault, if she had only turned up. But how could she? How could he bargain Andie's life on if she would turn up or not.

"But he rang me, Damon. He's still in there." She paused trying her hardest to not blame herself. She walked over to her wardrobe "If he was completely gone, he wouldn't have called."

"Well what did he say?" Elena questioned trying her hardest not to seem jealous.

Arabella grabbed an outfit before she turned around and walked over to the bed, gently placing it down. She grabbed her curls and pulled them up in to a messy bun "He didn't say anything at first but then he whispered something and I knew it was him." She quickly changed her underwear before changing into her clean clothes.

Arabella Gilbert ♡ TVD Where stories live. Discover now