New Deal

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It had been a few days since the homecoming dance and since Damon and Arabella had took out all their frustrations on each others bodies.

Damon had become very distant and angry and Arabella knew that it had something to do with the failure of killing the original hybrid. She had tried her best to reassure him, but he would get snappy with her, shrug it off and claim that he was 'fine'.

Arabella wasn't stupid, she knew that he was nowhere close to been fine.

The brunette was out jogging through the quiet streets of Mystic Falls, it was one of her ways to release all the tension and stress she was feeling. She stopped to take a breather and checked the time on her watch .. '8.17am' .. She had been jogging for over an hour and hadn't even realised.

Arabella took a quick glance behind her and noticed a tall man in a black hoodie, he was jogging towards her. The Gilbert girl quickly turned back around and started jogging in the opposite direction, she had started to grow nervous as she could sense him getting closer and closer. She swiftly turned a corner and picked up her pace.

After a good five minutes the brunette needed to stop to take another breather, she turned her head to look behind her and thankfully the man had disappeared. She let out a sigh of relief and turned back around, bumping straight into the hooded stranger.


"Excuse me" The stranger said, placing his hands on Arabella's shoulders to try and steady her "Should've been watching where I was going."

Arabella removed the man's hands from her shoulders and took a few steps back, smiling nervously "Don't worry about it." She told him.

The man smiled back at her and it made Arabella feel uneasy. His smile was creepy and it caused an unsettling feeling to flutter in her stomach. "Have a nice day" he said before he turned around and started jogging away.

"Fucking weirdo" Arabella muttered as she watched him go. Her eyebrows furrowed and she couldn't quite decide if it was all just a coincidence or if it had something to do with Klaus Mikaelson.


After she had gone home to shower and change, the brunette met up with Bonnie, Caroline and Elena at the Grill. She had ordered her favourite dish, pancakes with strawberries and cream. Granted, it wasn't as good as Damon's but it still tasted delicious. She was sat patiently waiting for her food to arrive as she sipped on her steaming hot cup of coffee.

They were discussing the odd encounter she had with the mysterious man this morning.

"I felt like I was going crazy" Arabella said blowing on her coffee to try and cool it down "I was totally paranoid."

"You have a right to be" Caroline replied "Klaus is still out there and he knows we tried to kill him."

"Why hasn't he made a move?" Elena questioned sipping on her own mug of coffee "There has been no sign of him, nothing." She looked across at Arabella "Have you heard from him?"

Arabella shook her head "Nope! He's probably just biding his time, coming up with a plan to end us all" she glanced over to the kitchen door "Where the hell are my pancakes?"

Bonnie chuckled at her bestfriends 'hangry' face. "Ya know?! Everytime I close my eyes. I have that nightmare on repeat."

Elena whipped her head in Bonnie's direction "The same dream?" She questioned.

Arabella started tapping her foot impatiently "Yeah, four coffins and Klaus is in one of them. It's weird." She told them shivering slightly. She looked across at Arabella when the tapping of her foot started to get on her nerves "Elle, stop with the feet, please. It will be here when it's here."

Arabella Gilbert ♡ TVD Where stories live. Discover now