Before Sunset

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Arabella's eyes fluttered open and she was greeted with a pounding headache, curtesy of all the alcohol she consumed the day before followed by the rough bump to the head last night. It took her a moment to gather herself as she blinked away the harsh sunlight that was shining through a small gap in the curtains.

All of a sudden she darted up out of the bed and looked at her surroundings. She was on her bed at her childhood home. A gasp escaped her as the realisation started to sink in. Yesterday was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, which it was, until her father figure was left to die in her new Husband's family tomb.

She stumbled over to her door and pulled it open, desperate to know if everything had gone smoothly and if Damon had returned yet.

Stefan snapped his head around Alaric's door after hearing movement coming from Arabella's room. He smiled softly at the brunette and even though she was hungover, her messy head of curls stuck out in all directions and yesterday's make-up smeared down her face, he still thought she looked breathtaking.

He quickly rushed towards her and took her face in his hands, confusing the brunette "Are you okay?" He questioned in concern as he carefully rubbed his hand over her forehead which caused her to wince slightly.

After her fall last night and her refusing to drink his blood to heal, he couldn't help but worry about her. He didn't sleep a wink due to thinking the worst, especially after she passed out on her bed.

The image of her eyes rolling into the back of her head was stuck in his mind.

"Like I said last night. I'm fine." Arabella told him whilst pushing his hands away from her face. "Where's Damon?" She asked as she stepped into the room "What the hell are you doing?"

"We have to keep moving, Elle, otherwise we'll start thinking and we don't want to think" Elena replied before she turned around to dip her paintbrush in the pot.

"His body won't even be fucking cold yet!" Arabella snapped as she snatched the paintbrush from Elena's hand, slamming it down on the side "And why the hell are you painting it so dark?"

"Thats what I said." Stefan mumbled which earned him a warning glare from the younger Gilbert twin to which he held his hands up in defense.

"Thats what happens when you decide to paint your dead guardians room at last minute." Jeremy said sending a pointed look to Elena before he turned to face Arabella "It's the only colour we had." He looked up at Stefan and frowned "Anyway, why are you even here? Are you two like back together or something?" He asked directing his question to him and Elena.

"What? No, Jer, we're just-"

"I came to check on Elle." He looked over at the green-eyed twin "To make sure she was okay after last night."

"Well, as you can see, she is fine." He said gesturing to his older sister "If you're gonna try to be a good guy, why don't you just give us one day. Just one day without vampire's."

"Jeremy!" Arabella scolded as she stepped infront of Stefan, almost protectively. Jeremy shook his head and stormed out of the room, shoving Stefan in the shoulder on his way out.
Arabella dropped the paintbrush into the tray and turned around to face Stefan "He didn't mean any of that. Just ignore him."

Stefan slipped his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and hung his head low "Yeah he did." He said looking at her with a sad smile. The doorbell echoed around the house and he took a step away from her "I'll get it." He said before he turned around and swiftly left the room.

Rushing down the stairs, Stefan flung open the front door and his forest-green eyes widened at the sight of his older brother, holding up the Bennett witch, who had dried blood down the side of her neck. His initial thought was what the hell had Damon done, but by the devastated guilty look on his face, he knew something bad had happened.

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