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Elena was pacing back and forth inside of the cellar at the Salvatore boarding house, she knew that the only way for them to defeat Klaus would be to have Elijah on their side and she was hoping that by removing the dagger it would prove to him he could trust her. She slowly reached forward and wrapped her hand around the silver dagger before quickly pulling it out.

She sat herself down against the stone wall and waited patiently for the original to wake up. Her mind was clouded with so many thoughts as she twirled the heavy dagger between her fingers, she couldn't help but think she maybe had made a mistake.

"What the hell are you doing?" Arabella's stern voice asked. Elena snapped her head to the doorway to see her twin sister leaning against the frame with her arms folded across her chest.

"Elle" Elena breathed out with a guilty look on her face "I just thought - I thought with Klaus here we could probably use Elijah's help"

"Are you out of your freaking mind, Elena?! I fucking daggered him.. Do you really think he's going to help us now?"

"I don't know, Elle... I was just hoping he would trust me after I revived him."

Arabella stepped into the room "No! He will kill us, Elena. God, how could you be so stupid!" She ripped the dagger out of Elena's hand and just as she was about to sink it back into Elijah's chest, a sudden gasp echoed through the cell and the Original quickly sat himself up, trying his hardest to catch his breathe.

Arabella dropped the dagger onto the floor and stumbled backwards as Elijahs brown eyes fixated on her "Katerina" he muttered.

"Fuck" Arabella whispered before tilting her head to the side and glaring daggers at her younger sister, she slowly moved forward and knelt down beside him and stared at his pale complexion "It's me, Elijah! It's Arabella."

"Arabella! Oh my god" he rasped as his eyes darted between both twins "Elena!" All of a sudden, his entire body flew back and he started thrashing around against the hard, concrete floor which caused both girls to jump up onto their feet "I can't - I can't breathe! What's happening to me?"

Another sudden movement made both girls jump backwards, letting out a gasp of both fear and shock. Elijah quickly jumped up to his feet and rushed over to the cellar door, slamming his shoulder into the door frame. Elena was quick to get to him and steadied him as he continued to breathe heavily. He looked down at the arm on his shoulder before looking into her eyes "I can't... I can't be in this house" he concluded.

"Thats because I haven't invited you in" Arabella spoke from the corner of the room.

"Then get me out of here!" He demanded.

Elijah used his vampire powers to speed up the cellar stairs and out of the front door. The twins glanced at each other with wide eyes before Elena grabbed the silver dagger and they both bolted up the stairs after him. Arabella was petrified that Damon would wake up, hear the commotion and come downstairs to investigate.

Once they reached the front door, they both stopped and stared at the Original vampire, who was stood with his palms flat out against the doorframe, his eyes almost black due to the anger that was coursing through his body.

"What happened?" He questioned, his furious gaze bouncing between both girls.

"Shh!" Arabella whisper yelled tapping her ear and gesturing towards the stairs where the Salvatore brothers were peacefully sleeping "We'll tell you but not here. Can we trust you?"

Elijah cocked his head to the side and sent Arabella an amused smile "Can I trust you?"

Arabella's mouth fell open when Elena stepped forward and held out the silver dagger for him to take. That was the only weapon they had to use against him and she just willingly handed it over.

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