All My Children

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After leaving the Grill, Arabella told Stefan that she couldn't go back to the boarding house, not in the state she was in.

Knowing she wouldn't want to go back to her childhood home, he decided to take her to the Forbes residence. He called Caroline on the way and after been let in by the blonde, Stefan helped the brunette up the stairs before gently placing her on the bed.

He removed her heels and tucked her into bed before placing a delicate kiss on the side of her temple. "I'll see you tomorrow, Elle." He whispered before he left the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

"I'm guessing she hasn't spoken to Damon?" Caroline said as she followed the younger Salvatore down the stairs. Stefan shook his head and placed his hands in his front pockets "It's my fault." The blonde admitted which confused the male vampire "The reason why she's wearing that dress. She said she didn't wanna wear it because she knew that it would make Damon mad but I persuaded her and I- I told her not to tell him."

"It doesn't really matter. He was going to be mad at her either way after she got Elijah to snap our necks so I wouldnt worry about it too much" Stefan tried to reassure the blonde, sending her a sympathetic smile. "I'm gonna head home, when she wakes will you tell her to call me."

"Of course. Goodnight Stefan."


Damon's eyes fluttered open when the incessant buzzing of his phone echoed around the room, he winced at the thumping pain in his head, instantly regretting staying up until all hours drinking with the blonde original.

Remembering every little detail about yesterday, he quickly bolted upright, knocking the pen and paper onto the floor along with an empty bottle of bourbon.

Picking up his device, he answered it without checking the caller ID.

"Arabella" he breathed out with a hopeful tone to his voice.

"No, its - its Elena. Why would you think it was Elle. Wait, did she not come home last night?"

"Obviously not" the older Salvatore rolled his eyes, regretting answering the phone without checking first "What do you want?"

"Well, I called you like ten times last night and you didn't answer. I - I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Well I was busy and I'm fine. Now if you don't mind I have a fiancée to find. Goodbye."

"Damon wa-"

The raven-haired vampire didn't let Elena carry on the conversation, he quickly ended the call and placed his phone on the bedside table. Picking up the things from the floor, he nudged the blonde that was currently passed out on his bed. "Rebekah, wake up!" He said.

Rebekah stirred awake, groaning as she turned over "God what time is it?" She asked as she pushed herself up from the bed adjusting her green dress.

"Time for you to leave." Damon told her as he walked into his bathroom to get himself washed and dressed. He needed to get the blonde out of his house before his brother noticed and got the wrong idea.

"Rude much." The blonde muttered as she walked out of his room, Damon following closely behind. "So, let's not make a big deal out of this. If you tell anyone I helped you with your failing relationship. I will kill you."

"I wouldn't dream of it. And if you tell anyone that I opened up my entire heart to you. I will - well I will attempt to kill you." Damon replied which made the blonde chuckle in amusement.

Arabella Gilbert ♡ TVD Where stories live. Discover now