As I Lay Dying

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After everyone dispersed from the Gilbert household, Arabella made her way upto her room, carrying a half empty bottle of vodka. She was a little bit drunk and she wanted to shower off the day and climb into her bed.

Before she climbed into the shower she pulled out her phone and brought up Damon's contact, the thought of him disappearing on her like he did annoyed her, made her angry even. Which is why she barely spoke to anyone tonight. She sat and stared at her phone the entire night, waiting for him to call, text, anything.

Thank you soooo much, Mr Salvatore for leaving me.. The one person I wanted the most couldn't even be bothered to show up... I don't know where you are or what you are doing but I hope it was worth it.

Arabella clicked send before throwing her phone onto her bed, she pulled her dress over her body and headed towards the bathroom.

After her long hot shower, she walked into her room, drying herself quickly before wrapping her pink silk robe around her body.

She walked out of her room and stopped infront of Jeremy's. Pushing open the door, she smiled to herself when she saw that he was curled up in his bed, fast asleep. She walked over to Elena's room a little nervously, peeping around the gap in the door, she let out a sigh of relief when her twin sister was also fast asleep.

The brunette stopped on her way back to her own room, hovering her hand over Jenna's door handle. She hesitantly pushed it open and stepped inside, her eyes glanced around the room, taking in all of Jenna's belongings. She could still smell the flowery perfume that her aunt wore on a daily basis.

She quickly wiped her eyes, not wanting to cry anymore before leaving and walking back into her own room. A suprise gasp left her lips when she noticed the older Salvatore sat on her bed "Damon" she whispered before she closed her bedroom door behind her. She took a mouthful out of the bottle "What do you want?"

Damon pushed himself up off the bed "I want to apologise for leaving you, I know I should have stayed but-"

"But what?" Arabella snapped, cutting him off. She slammed the bottle down on her dressing table and soun around to face him "You had something so much more important to do than to be there for your girlfriend? Who just had to bury another two members of her family in less than a year... I fucking needed you, Damon" her voice broke a little at the end.

"No - I - I know I shouldn't have left you, Bella. I'm sorry. I know your mad and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but - " he paused as a pain shot through his arm which caused him to stumble a little. He got a hold of himself before he glanced up through his eyelashes "I need it."

Arabella frowned, her green eyes checking over him "Whats wrong with you?" She wasn't stupid, she could see that the blue eyed vampire wasn't himself.

"Nothing" Damon said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Damon, don't you dare lie to me" she warned. The older Salvatore didn't mutter a word as they continued to stare at each other "Fine. Just go!" She told him, walking over to her dresser and grabbing the bottle.

"Elle, please" Damon begged whilst he attempted to snatch the bottle out of her hands but due to the werewolf bite, he was to slow.

"JUST GO!" She yelled pulling her hand back and turning to face him. Her facial expression told him he needed to back off, give her time to calm down.

The older Salvatore slowly nodded his head before he used his vampire speed to jump out of her window. He needed her forgiveness, he knew that it would probably be the last time he would see her and he didn't want to die with Arabella hating him.

Arabella Gilbert ♡ TVD Where stories live. Discover now