The Sun Also Rises

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Damon was propped up at Alaric's breakfast bar with his head resting in his hands. His thoughts of Arabella were consuming him and it was driving him crazy. Katherine moved to stand next to him and looked down at his arm before she finally broke the silence "So that's what a werewolf bite looks like?"

"Yep" Damon said popping the 'p', not paying the doppleganger a single glance.

Katherine shrugged her shoulders "It doesn't look that bad."

Damon glared at his vampire ex-girlfriend before he dropped his eyes to the infected wound that was spreading across his forearm "Will be" He muttered before rolling down the sleeve of his jacket.

The memory of Rose clouded his mind, the thought of her been sick and weak, hallucinating, coughing up blood and been in a tremendous amount of pain made him internally cringe and he was not looking forward to it. He just hoped someone would drive a stake through his heart like he did with Rose.

Damon pushed out the stool and made his way over to the front door "So that's it" Katherine said trailing after him "You're just going to die?"

"Unless you know of a miracle cure that has been created in the last few weeks?" Damon replied. Katherine shook her head and looked down sadly "Thought so" he turned around to leave again but Katherine gripped his arm and slightly pulled him back.

He turned his head to face her with a questionable expression "One hundred and forty five years and no last goodbye?" She questioned him with a hint of sarcasm, yet her eyes showed something completely different.

"You don't get a goodbye" he retorted with a bitter look in his icy blue eyes before he snatched his arm out of her hand.

He turned to leave again but Katherine quickly intercepted him and placed her hand on his chest "Don't leave mad" she pleaded. She might of been a complete bitch towards the older Salvatore but that didn't mean she didn't care about him.

Damon scoffed in amusement "Us ending up on good terms isn't exactly on my bucket list, Katherine."

"Listen, Klaus made me call Jenna to lure her out!" Katherine defended as Damon tried to push past her again. He just wanted to get to Arabella and he was so close to snapping any moment "There was nothing i could do, I didnt have a choice."

"That's why I gave you vervain, so you would have a fucking choice" He shouted angrily.

Katherine shrugged her shoulders "It was her or me. I chose her."

Damon narrowed his blue eyes at the brunette and gripped her forearm tightly "I helped you! Even after everything you did to me, to us. You owed me. Now when they kill Klaus, you're going to walk out of here without a scratch and Elle's Aunt dies. Somehow you're the only one that wins. How'd that happen?"

"I didnt let lo-"

In one swift motion, Damon snapped Katherine's neck letting her body drop to the floor with a thud "Enjoy an eternity alone, Katherine" he spoke bitterly before he pulled open the foot and walked out of Alaric's apartment, with only one destination in mind.


"Oh my head" Jenna said as she raised her hand to her head and pressed it against her temple "Whats wrong with me?"

"Do you remember what happened?" Arabella questioned her confused Aunt.

Jenna shook her head before she looked like she was deep in thought "You called me!" She remembered looking up at Arabella "You sounded so scared. Oh god, I should of known it wasn't you" she shook her head as the tears slowly started flowing freely down her face "Someone grabbed me as soon as I stepped foot out of the house. A vampire." She concluded.

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