The Five

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The next morning, Damon had informed Arabella that he was going to take her to Whitmore College, along with Bonnie and Elena, so the couple could have some fun away from Mystic Falls and all the chaos that surrounded them. She was extremely excited and was busy getting herself ready in their en-suite bathroom whilst Damon headed downstairs to search for any information on The five.

Stefan was sat in the living room, carefully examining the hunters mark on one of the wooden stakes they had found from Connor. Damon entered the room carrying some heavy boxes on his shoulder before dropping them down on the coffee table on the middle of the room.

"So, what is all this?" Stefan questioned as he pushed himself up out of the chair and walked over to him.

"Some personal items that I snaked from the vampire hunters RV. May he rest in peace." Damon informed before he pulled out a book and started flipping through the pages "I'm searching for a supernatural handbook."

"And you know for a fact that this guy was supernatural?" His brother queried back as he too picked up one of the books.

"He definitely wasn't natural. The guy magically appeared just as someone blows up the entire Founder's Council. He's covered in a tattoo that only little Gilbert - of all people in the world - seems to be able to see. Klaus mentioned something about him being one of The Five. Then he kamikazes himself with explosives. Sound natural to you?" Damon rambled on whilst not paying his brother any attention, too busy scanning the scribbled on pages in the book.

"Wait? Jeremy can see his tattoo?" Stefan questioned not knowing when he missed that bit of information "When did you speak to Klaus?"

Damon nodded his head. "When you and my wife were busy partying and driving around on your motorcycle." He said in a jealous tone. "We trapped him at the hospital and then after Klaus had figured out his little secret.... Boom."

"So what's the Five?"

"Thats what I'm hoping is in the first chapter of the handbook." Damon said just as his phone started ringing. He plucked it out of his jeans pocket and raised it to his ear "Liz Forbes, my favourite Sheriff, to what do I owe the pleasure?" All of a sudden his face turned serious and he looked really worried "What? That's a little concerning. Keep me posted." He hung up the phone and started packing up the boxes like Stefan wasn't even in the room.

"What? You're not gonna tell me?" Stefan asked as he followed Damon towards the staircase.

"Can't tell you. Private. We're in a fight." Damon bluntly replied as he started walking up the stairs.

Stefan wrapped his hand around Damon's arm which caused him to turn around "You're in a fight, I'm not in a fight." He told him.

"Well, that's probably because you blood shared with my Wife... Knowingly." Damon scowled at him, trying not to think about what happened between his brother and his wife. "I'm always gonna be mad at you!" He looked over his brother and he could actually see a guilty look on his face and Stefan looked up at him, almost like he was pleading with him to try and forgive him. Damon let out a sigh "They didn't find any remains at the explosion site, which obviously means the fucker is still out there. I'm gonna need you to take this one today. I'm taking Bella to Whitmore College with the twin and Bon-Bon."

"Yeah, Elle told me." Stefan replied. "So, what time are you guys setting off because I'm taking her training in the woods before you go." He informed, which didn't go down well with the older Salvatore.

"I'm sorry? You're doing what now?" He said in suprise, not knowing this little bit of information. He went to say something else but Stefan quickly interrupted.

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