Heart Of Darkness

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After searching high and low for the hideout of Alaric's white oak stake, Elena and Arabella walked down the stairs to the Salvatore basement, the older twin carried a bag in hand. They approached the door to one of the cells and peered through the barred door window.

"Alaric?" Elena called out.

"Yep." He sighed "I'm still me."

Arabella unlocked the door and entered the cell, dropping the bag on the ground infront of the cot that he was seated on.

"You shouldn't be in here. It defeats the object of the whole being locked in a cellar thing."

"Yeah, well, you still need the basics." Arabella said as she started raking through the bag "Toothbrush, clothes, some boring books to help you sleep."

Alaric reached forward and picked up one of the books "Seriously? Dr.Jekyll and Mr Hyde?" He said handing it to Elena.

"What? No, I grabbed... Damon." She dropped the book in the duffel bag and turned to Arabella who was silently laughing "He thinks he's hilarious."

"It's funny though, right?!"

"Atleast one of us still has a sense of humour." Alaric said as he stood up before pacing back and forth in the cell.

"Are you sure that you..? I mean you don't have to be kept in here." Elena said with a frown on her face.

Alaric shook his head at the younger brunette "No, this is... This is the right place for me to be. Atleast until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to fess up to where I or he hid the white oak stake."

"We looked everywhere." Arabella said as she poured Alaric a glass of bourbon and handed it over to him "Evil-Alaric hid it very well."

"What will Klaus do if you don't find it?" Alaric said sitting down on the cot bed, swirling the golden liquid around in his glass.

"It's the only thing that can kill him. So wage war, mur-" Elena started but Arabella quickly cut her off.

"He'll do nothing." Arabella stated sending a scolding look to her twin sister, she pulled up a chair and sat down beside him "Listen, Damon is gonna watch over you for a little while. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, it's not safe so, Stefan, Elena and I are gonna go to Denver to pick him up." She explained.

"Why do you say that like you're waiting for me to disapprove?" Alaric questioned.

"What? I'm not." Arabella said with a frown.

"I'm just curious as to why Damon is gonna stay here. When I know he doesn't trust his brother." Alaric replied in a whisper.

"It was his idea, actually. He said it will do me good to focus on Jer and leave all the wedding planning behind. But I think he just wants to be with you to be honest. His bestfriend." She paused and edged closer to him. "He's not wrong though, I do need a break, Ric and I need you to get better. I trust Damon will have it sorted for when we get home."

"If you say so." Alaric replied.

Upstairs, Damon was stood infront of the fireplace with a bourbon in hand. He couldn't believe that he was willingly sending his brother, who was madly in love with Arabella, off on a road trip with the soon-to-be Mrs Salvatore. His soon-to-be wife.

"Has Arabella heard from Klaus?" Stefan questioned his brother as he carried the brunette's luggage for the trip.

"Not that I know of. She probably will soon though." He picked up Stefan's white oak stake and twirled it around in his hand "He's expecting us to deliver two of these, we only have one."

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