Blood Brothers

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A/N - I just want to say a massive thank you to everybody who has voted. I really do appreciate it :)
Now on with the next chapter.
Much love to you all xo

The yellow beam of light shining through the small crack in the curtain woke Arabella up the next morning, her eyelids fluttered open and she was curled up in the most comfortable bed imaginable. She pulled the soft sheets up over her body and snuggled back down.

"Good Morning sleepyhead" Damon spoke announcing his presence. Arabella shot up and her eyes darted to the vampire leaning against the door frame, his arms folded across his chest with his signature smirk etched onto his face.

Arabella rubbed at her sleepy eyes before taking in her surroundings. She was in Damon's room. In Damon's bed "How did I get here?" She questioned throwing off the covers and climbing out of the bed.

"You were out like a light and I decided it wasn't exactly a comfy place for you to sleep, so I carried you up to my bed" Damon said nonchalantly as he sauntered into the room "Plus you were drooling all over my shoulder, was not a pretty sight" He joked.

"Where's Lena?" Arabella asked pulling out her hair tie and fluffing out her hair. She walked into Damon's open bathroom and quickly swilled her mouth out with mouthwash.

"Still sat outside the cellar" He informed her "She stayed with him all night, I told her she could take his bed but she wouldn't leave him"

Arabella made her way to the cellar, Damon following behind like a little lost puppy. Elena was stood on her tip toes peeping through the cellar bars "Morning, Le" Arabella greeted with a warm smile.

Elena glanced behind at her twin sister before averting her eyes back to Stefan "It's so hard to see him locked up like this"

Arabella's eyes grew wide and she glared at the back of her twins head. Tired and emotional or not, theres no need to be rude. "I'm not been funny, Elena but you're the one that locked him up" Arabella spat.

"Yeah and you helped" Elena said.

"She didn't have a choice" Damon interrupted "Besides we couldn't have him running around chewing on people while the town is out looking for vampires, now, could we?"

"It had nothing to do with you actually caring about him?" Elena questioned.

Damon narrowed his eyes at the younger Gilbert "Your thing, not mine"

"Thats not true, you care about Elle!" Elena mentioned a hint of jealousy lacing her tone as she glared at the raven haired vampire.

Arabella took a deep breath, she could feel herself getting angry because her sister decided to wake up on the wrong side of the.. Ground. Plus she hasn't had her morning coffee yet and that is a disaster waiting to happen.

"I'm going home to shower, brush my teeth and have a gallon of coffee" Arabella notified her twin before making her way towards the staircase "Are you coming or not?"

"Yeah" she said sparing Stefan one more glance before following after her twin and the older Salvatore.

Damon took a small object out of his pocket and was fiddling with it as he ascended the stairs. Arabella turned and snatched it from his hands which earned her a playful glare from the older Salvatore. "Give it back" he whined and Arabella let out a small chuckle, shaking her head as she quickly picked up her pace.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, Damon went to snatch it back but Arabella wasnt stupid and she swiftly placed her hand behind her back. "Arabella, I suggest you give it back" Damon warned staring at the brunette intently.

Arabella Gilbert ♡ TVD Where stories live. Discover now