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Arabella's eyes fluttered open, she instantly knew where she was when the smell of the hospital hit her senses. She grimaced at the sound of the repeatative beeping coming from the heart monitor, memories flooding back to the night of her parents death. The brunette rubbed her eyes before she tried to push herself up into a sitting position, she winced at the stinging sensation that spread across her torso.

She let out a low groan before she slowly layed herself down. Her green eyes scanned the room and instantly widened in shock when she saw the older Salvatore fast asleep in corner of her room "Damon" she whispered, her voice was hoarse.

Damon's eyes snapped open at the sound her voice, a relieved smile spread across his features as he pushed himself up from the chair and hurried over to her "Hey, you" he said gently grabbing her hand "You gave us all quite a scare"

"Not intentionally" Arabella muttered "It - it was Jenna, she - she stabbed me and I- I -"

"I know, Bella" Damon cut her off, he squeezed her hand but not enough to hurt her "She was compelled by Katherine" Arabella nodded and glanced down at their entwined hands "How are you feeling?"

Arabella narrowed her eyes at the older Salvatore "Like I've been stabbed" she said sarcastically before chuckling slightly, a pained groan passed her lips.

Damon rolled his eyes playfully and the two stared into each others eyes. Damon moved closer to the girl "I was so scared" he admitted "When Elena called and told us what had happened, I didn't know what to think. I thought I was going to lose you"

Arabella's eyes watered at the words coming out of his mouth "It's both mine and Elena's fault" she whispered and Damon shook his head, disagreeing with the brunette. "It is! We knew Katherine was dangerous but we didn't listen to her anyway. I met up with Stefan in secret, the same as Elena"

Damon's whole body tensed, he really didnt like the thought of her and Stefan been alone. "Yeah but I riled her up, I killed Mason and -"

"You did what?" Arabella shouted before a pain shot through her stomache and a small groan passed her lips, she pulled her hands out of his grip "Damon, why would you do that?" She paused and looked down, her eyes glistening with tears. "I don't have the energy to scold you right now, please tell me you have a plan to get rid of her?"

A smirk made it's way on to his face and he nodded his head "We're gonna kill her" he said "I dont know when or how but she's gonna pay for what she did to you"

Arabella smiled at the man infront of her, she was forever grateful that he came into her life and couldn't actually imagine her life without him in it. "You're gonna miss the Masquerade ball" Damon told her snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Dammit!" Arabella gritted out which caused the older Salvatore to become confused "I was really looking forward to going to the masquerade ball and now because of this" She said pointing at her stomache "I won't get to go" She looked at Damon with a mischevious look on her face which made him feel a little uneasy "Unless... You feed me your blood".

Damon shook his head in protest but Arabella continued to plead with him and he could feel himself breaking under her intense gaze. He let out a long sigh "What about Jenna?" He questioned.

"Just compel her to forget I was stabbed" Arabella said like it was obvious, she pouted out her bottom lip and put her hands together, fluttering her thick black eyelashes "Pretty please".

'Damn those gorgeous green eyes'

"Your something else" he breathed out shaking his head before biting into his wrist and holding it out towards her. Arabella smiled at him and quickly placed her mouth around his open wound before it started to heal, she drank willingly not tearing her eyes away from his icy blue orbs. Damon stared back at her, the europhic feeling of her sucking his blood made his vision cloudy, he had to try his hardest not to let a moan pass his lips.

Arabella Gilbert ♡ TVD Where stories live. Discover now