Crying Wolf

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Damon was in the kitchen, he was cooking pancakes for the four sleeping girls upstairs when he heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, making their way towards the kitchen. The door opened and Damon didn't need to turn around to know who it was from the smell of her Strawberry and Vanilla essence "buongiorno, Bella" he greeted as he flipped a pancake in the air and caught it back in the pan. He expected her to be confused and question what the hell he just said.

Arabella swooned at his gorgeous Italian accent, it made her knees feel weak and it caused her heart to thump loudly against her chest "buongiorno, Bello" she replied.

Damon whipped his head to face her "You can speak Italian?" He questioned suprised.

Arabella laughed at his reaction before making her way over to him "I'm a smart girl, Mr Salvatore. You don't need to look so suprised". She inhaled through her nose and moaned at the smell of the delicious pancakes "Posso aiutare?"

Damon's eyes nearly bulged out of his head when she spoke and he silently nodded his head, stepping aside and handing the spatula over to her. Arabella started flipping the pancakes but stiffened when she felt Damon's arms snake around her waist whilst placing soft kisses down the side of her exposed neck. "Damon" Arabella warned pulling her head away from him "Some one could come in."

"Let them" Damon replied turning her head and kissing along her jawline. Damon decided to just come straight out and say what he wanted to ask "I'm entitled to kiss my girlfriend whenever I want" He continued kissing her jawline, nervously awaiting her reaction.

Arabella's green orbs widened in suprise "Girlfriend?" She asked swiftly turning her whole body to face him.

Damon nodded "Unless you don't want that?" He questioned, his palms felt sweaty and his heart was racing rapidly, he took the spatula out of her hand and continued to work on the pancakes before they burnt.

Arabella could see the look of disappointment on his face and she gently placed her hand on his bicep. "No its not that, we just - we never actually made it official"

Damon let out a breath of relief, he turned off the stove hob before he turned to face her, cupping her cheeks with his large hands. "Arabella Grace Gilbert.. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Arabella raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows and placed her finger on her chin, pretending to think about it "Hmm I don't know" she taunted with an amused smirk.

Damon gripped her hips and sat her on the counter top "Don't tease me."

Arabella let a small laugh pass her lips and Damon couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked. She closed the gap between them both and kissed him softly on his lips "Of course I'll be your girlfriend" Damon grinned from ear to ear and lifted her up, spinning her around. Arabella let out a girlish squeal and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I love you" he whispered in her ear before placing her feet firmly back on the ground.

Arabella kept her arms wrapped around his neck, she gazed into his beautiful blue eyes "I love you too" she replied before slamming her lips against his. Damon picked her up and placed her on the island, she wrapped her legs around his waist and raked her fingers through his dark hair. Damon's hands roamed her entire body, he pulled her flush against his chest whilst he kissed his way down her jaw and neck, sucking on her sweet spot. He smirked against her neck when a small moan escaped her lips, he made his way back up to her lips and kissed her roughly before sliding his tongue inside her mouth. Arabella fumbled with his belt buckle before popping open the button on his jeans, she reached inside and rubbed his hard shaft through his boxers, Damon groaned in pleasure whilst thrusting his hips against her hand.

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