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A girl seemed exercising.

She did her pushups, sit and up and others.

She also repeated her martial art skills.

Girl- Finally done avneet beta! It was a good exercise

So the girl is avneet.

She streached her arms.

Avu-Its gonna be a long and hard day. Also officer mam called me in her chamber today. I wonder why....

She then had her breakfast and headed towards the police house.

( The organization where avu works is not mumbai police. Its something lile private police service with detectives and the government knows about this organization.
Its much better than mumbai police. And the name of her officer is adaaya. )

Back to the story.

She directly went to the chamber of officer and the police in lower posts saluted her.

Avu knocked the door.

Avu-May I come in mam?

Adaaya- Yes avneet. Pls take a sit.

Avu sat.

Avu-Any work mam?

Adaaya- Yes avneet. You must have heard of Kalachor.

Avu-Yes mam. I have also gathered a bit of information about him.

Adaaya-Very good. And as you are the most responsile, honest, loyal and true police,
So I want you to find who that bastard is.

Avu stood up and saluted her.

Avu-Sure mam.

Adaaya-Very nice. Liked that josh.

Avu-But for that I need some force at the service of 24×7 .

Adaaya-You already have the permission for that.

Avu-Thank You mam. I shall take your leave. And I wanna work in that from tomorrow as I need few more information about him.


She left and thought about ways to find about her mission.

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