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As soon as urmee and avu left, raghav ordered his men to kidnap Urmee.

And everything went according to Raghav's words.

Urmee was tied in a room...
When someone came in the room wearing a black mask and black clothes.

What ever urmee will do now, is just to record the man's voice so that she can help avu with it.

Urmee- Who are u😡... k..kalahor?

Sm1- Yes babe. I am kalachor.

Urmee- Dont u dare to touch me..

Sm1- Oh okay.. I am sared😈😂...

He started undressing him.

Urmee- No. Pls no.🥺

Sm1- Yes babe. Welcome to the hell. Your nightmare is here.

Suddenly urmee opened her tie.

Sm1- How did u do this😱

Urmee didnt waste her time answering to sm1 instead she kicked hid manhood.

Due to this he screamed...
His actual voice got recorded.

Sm1- Who are u! How do u know all these skills?

Urmee- I am your nightmare's sister babe.

She punched sm1 but sm1 was also trained..

They continued their fight.

Urmee defensed herself in a good way but sm1 was powerful too.

At the end finally urmee gave up.
Sm1 was real powerful and he was also the drug dealer. He was a mafia and he won.

He smirked in victory.

He asked his guards to lock her in the room.

Urmee had no way..
She was too tired snd injured.

Sm1- You are gonna regret tonight. 👿. GUARDS! Dont give her water nor any medicine.

Guards nodded.

They locked urmee in a room.

Urmee's pov:
What to do now.. How will I inform Avneet mam? I have a seret phone but if I speak te guards will inform to sm1 resulting me losing the last thing I have to communicate. .


Urmee was a police too.
If You Guys Dont know, the members of detective organisation carries their few things, like a small knife, a small phone, through which only phone calls are done.. and few more things.
So dont day why didnt she messeged avu in whatsapp....obviously it was out of network.

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