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Soon avneet came in Jannnat's home.
Before this she visited here twice, but this time she was damn nervous.

She rang the doorbell.

Faisu was out for some reason and jannat went to get some cakes for avneet.

Sid thought it was maybe their neighbour.
Because avneet came 30 minutes early.

He went to open the door.

The door was opened and they saw each other.

A moment of silence.

Both sidneet thought not to talk in these 4 months but the destiny made them see each others face which made them go to few months back when they were together...happy...

They looked in each others eyes. Their eyes were moist.
It showed the pain they had without each other.

Avu broke the eyelock.

Sid moved aside and went to his room locking it.

Avu went inside the house.  She waited for jannat to come.

Soon jan came.
She saw avu sitting there with a blank face
She understood what might have happened.

Jan- Avu...

Avu noticed her and they did a sis-hug.

Jan- Sorry I was not home.

Avu- No matter.

Jan- Bawla!! Come here!

Sid slowly came there.

Jan- Sorry avu, I didnt inform you but... we are in a relationship.

Avu felt as if the thunder fell right in her head.

Avu bit her teeth.

Avu- Congratulations to you both...

She looked at sid.

He came and held jannat's shoulder and kissed her cheek.

Avu- you two look great.

Sid- Thank You.

Soon Faisal came and they four had a fun time.
Or should I say only fainnat enjoyed.
Avu was deeply hurt but she didnt let it get expressed.
And about sid, though he knew Jannat is acting to be his girlfriend but he tried proving his best that he liked her.

The day went like this.

At night:

Avu was about to sleep when faisal knocked her door.

Avu- Faisu

Fai- Avneet I have something to say.

Avu- ya sure. Come in.

Faisu closed the door.

Fai- I need your help avneet.
Avu- Sure.
Fai- see. Woh um.... I and jannat both like each other.
But siddharth refuses to accept that. He proposed jannat when he was down and jannat  accepted it being helpless.
Now she cant back off because it will break his heart and he will again go down.
So will you help me?

Today she was getting way to shocks.
Fai- see avneet, first you stay with me and act as if we are in a secret relationship, and then one day jannat will leave him and then you can console him.

Avu- No. I cant cheat him again!

Fai-  what do you mean by again! You never cheated on him.

Avu- Faisu dont ask something which is impossible for me. I can ask him to leave jannat...

Fai- No no... Listen! I know he still has some feelings for you.
So lets make him jealous.

Avu- But I dont like him.

Fai- Give his sake and repeat it again?

Avu was quite.

Fai- Thats why i say! Me and jannat really want to stay in a free relationship. Siddharth is becoming the barrier in ours.
Pls help us avneet. Pls dont break our love life.

Avu(in mind)- My life is already destroyed.
But I cant let their love life get detroyed like me.

Avu- Tell me what exactly I need to do.

Fai- act as if you love me... and then he will become jealous and I will take jan from him.

Avu- What if he gets hurted again?

Fai- He wont.

Avu took a deep breathe.

Avu- Okayh!

The next day.

They were having breakfast.

Jan- You want some more avu?
Avu- No jannu thanks.

Fai- Why avneet? You wont get fat even if you eat more...
Avu- No reh! I love food... its my love but for now I am full.

Fai- Okk Mam.

Like this they always talked useless things infront of sid and he used to get a bit jealous.

But he knew its his past.
She was his past.
And he cant fall for her twice!

One day:

Jan- Lets play truth and dare.

Sidneet- no.

Jan- yrr you guys have problem in each and everything. Either play, orelse you will be given punishments.

Faisu pulled jan's cheek.

Fai- You said it like a baby.

Sid smiled but just then he recalled something.

Sid- She is my gf.

Fai- And she is my bff.

This made sidneet go back to the day when sid and raghav fought for avneet, when she was irritated.

Jannat changed the topic.

Jan- So the game starts.

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