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But as soon as avu took a step outside she saw...

SIDDHARTH was standing there.

Sid-I said na? Dont come out. I knew you wont listen to me. I already have some food with me and we will eat that only.

Avu internally smacked her forehead.

Avu in mind-Hey bhagwan! What days have come. Avneet Kaur is staying with kalachor. And this bandar is also such a dumb. Areh to whom you talking is the police. Ugh.

Avu ate with sid. They ate maggie as sid was having that.

Avu in mind-Now when I have to stay here only I must sleep.

Avu-Hey kalachor.


Avu-Where will I sleep?

Sid-In my head.


Sid-Ofcourse in the bed madam.

Avu- And you?

Sid- Beside you


Sid-Ofcourse in the mat.... One might say anything about kalachor but I am not characterless. I became a thief due to some personal reasons but I never loosed my character. You must sleep cause tomorrow morning I will leave u and go in my house.

Avu rolled her eyes and arranged the bed. She soon drifted off to sleep.

Sid in mind-She is strange but cute!
He too fell alseep.

The next morning avu was the one who woke up first. The sun was just rising then.

Avu-(yawn) What a nice sleep.

It took her seconds to realise its not her room.

Avu-Should I call this kalachor? Idk the way to road too. Ugh this bandar.

Avu callled him.


Sid was still sleeping.


Sid was still asleep.

Avu-KALACHORRRR. Ugh this guyyy!

She lightly touched his cheeks above the mask and lightly pushed him.

Sid in his sleep held her hand and slept more comfortably.
Avu got an electric shock for a second.

Avu's pov:
Why such strange feeling?
And why is this monkey sleeping like that? Does every person look that cute while sleeping?
Can a thief look cute?
I cant see his whole face but his eyes speaks he is harmless and innocent.
Stop with your stupid thinking.
End of pov.

Avu slowly again called him but he wasn't getting affected....  he instead put a better grip on her hand and slept.

At the end avu was forced to call him rudely.


Sid opened his eyes with a jerk ( still holding avu's hands ) .

Hearing avu's sudden scream his hands went to his ear and this made avu getting pulled towards him ( as he was holding her hand. )

Avu totally fell on him.
She closed her eyes

After falling slowly She opened her eyes to see a pair of hazel orbs lost in her.

Getting such a closer look of those pair of innocent obs made her explore a total different world full of mystery.

Suddenly a lizard called tik-tik-tik which made them come back to earth.

Avu got up from him and sid too got up.

None dared to make their eyes look at any other direction except down.

Avu-...... K-a-lac-hor..... take me back to the place where you took me from.

Sid- Su-r-e.

Sid took her to the same place from where he took her and avu left not before taking a careful look at her so that it gets easier to find him from the next time.

And after sometime both reached their respective home.


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