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Sid-Ok nakchadi.... then bye...

Avu-Wait take my phone number.

Sid- why? Will u miss me every second from now? So u want this handsome boy's phone number to call him.

Avu( extra sweetly )- It it wasnt urgent to catch that rapist, and u were needed to help me... I WOULD MAKE SURE TO MAKE YOUR KIMA.

Sid-😅😱 Just kidding...

Avu- I know😊😡

They exchanged their phone number.

Avu- Call me after your work is done. And then I will find that rapist soon...

Sid-Ok boss.

They chuckled and left for their home.

That night sid called avneet.

Sid-Am I speaking to avneet kaur?(dramatically)

Avu-Yes. The respected bandar is ( the same dramatical way )


Avu-Say whether the work is done....

Sid-Yes. His voice got recorded. And everything went fine. Just his face was not visible. He was wearing mask. And oviously black mask.

Avu-Ok... It might help. I need the record and video.

Sid-Sure mam. But I will give them tomorrow as I dont have the devices in my home. And me being the rich dont even have a smart phone to send u via whatsapp.

Avu-Shut ur nonsense up. Give them to me tomorrow.



Sid-What will I get because I did these?

Avu- ugh! People will get to know that u are not a rapist. U are just a skilled theif. And then, I will help u to become a successful businessman or whatever in which field of occupation u have interest. And then we can lead a happy life.

Sid ( in mind )- She is such a pure soul. She thought so much about me.

In his thoughts he didnt caught her that meant said "their life"

Whereas avu blamed herself for saying this.


Sid-Thank U.... u think so much about me...

Avu-Why are we friends? Just to see the faces?

The chuckled and talked a bit more...

The next morning.
Avneet went to Adaaya.

Avu-Today the kalachor will get caught.
Adaaya- Really😃....
Avu- yes mam! Just the wait to get the video and audio tape... there is a lot of mystery in the  case. Will tell everything.

Adaaya and she shaked their hands and avu went to her home after doing a few works.

Hint: the twist coming.

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