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In Avneet's home:

( A/n - Get ready for getting a big twist .)

In avu's home:

Aman- Afterall you are our future son-in-law

Raghav fake blushed- Uncle....

Aman- she is actually a..... POLICE.

Raghav was in a verge of falling from the couch.

Ragh- What?

Aman- Yes. She works under A secret organization.

Ragh- Oh....

Aman- And she is currently finding Kalachor.

Raghav got a mini heart attack.

They disscussed randomly.
Raghav showed off that he knows a lot about buisness.

And then finally he left.

Raghav's pov:
Avneet is a police?
Thats why she always hides her identity...
But why?
And she is finding Kalachor?
Is she suspecting me?
She is very intelligent. Thats why I wanna marry her, take her property, use her and throw her out of my life... because she might become the wall behind me and her family buisness. I just show that I love avneet cause I like her money and business and obviously her beautiful body.
But I didnt knew she is that much clever....
And who is the boy with whom I argued today?
I need to find all these out.
End of his pov..

On the other hand:

Avneet got a phone call.

It was urmee's number.

Avu- hello.. urmee.. How are you?

Urmee- Hello Mam.. I want to meet you in a cafe.

Avu- ok. Which cafe?

Urmee- Abc Cafe.

Avu- Okay I will be there in a minute.

She got ready and left for the cafe.

She entered and saw urmee with a boy.

Avu( in mind )- Is that the rapist? But why is he sitting so casually without protesting with Urmee.

With her thoughts she reached Urmee.With her thoughts avu reached Urmee.

Urmee- good Evening mam.
Avu- good evening..

She was giving a questioning look to rahul.
Urmee understood it.

Urmee- Mam, take a sit. He is my bf.


Urmee introduced rahul to avneet and told how he saved her.. she told each and every incident how she fought with the rapist and how she recorded his voice etc.etc.

Avu-Oh My Goodness! Sorry urmee. I couldnt reach when you needed me.

Urmee- No no mam.. why are you saying this... its totally fine...ehe..

Avu-But you know, I tried traking yours locket several times. I think the area where he lives is networkfree zone.

Urmee- But he had network...

Avu- Its a matter of question. Achha send me the file where his voice is recorded.

Urmee- Sure mam.

Avu- Also you dont have to work for some days. Firstly you need recovery and secondly your life is in dangeour now.

Urmee nodded.

Avu- rahul, can you help us?

Rahul- Sure mam.

Avu- So try to get to know about your boss as much as possible. If you get a single information, inform me. Like what are the things he likes, why he rape girls and several others. Okay?

Rahul- Okay mam.

Avu smiled. The trio joined their hands and shaked it.

They left in their own ways.


While on the other hand:

Sm1 reached in the room where urmee was locked.

Sm1- I will take off my anger using her.

He entered the room and got shocked.

There was no one.


He checm the cctv but they were dissconnected from the server just before urmee escaped.


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