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With avneet:

She was in her room throwing things here and there.....

Avu-What did I do....
I betrayed Kalachor....
I traited him...
I love him, and love is not selfish, but I proved it wrong....
For the betterment of dad I...
I broke his trust...
I broke our friendship....
I broke everything.... I ruined everything....


Just then she received a call from sonia.

Avu- Hello.
Sonia-Beta come to the hospital fast.
Avu-Dad is okay right?
Sonia- He wants to meet you.

Call conversation ends.

Avu wiped her tears. She wore her clothing and went for hospital to amandeep...

Aman-Avuu😊 I have heard u arrested That Rapist.

Avu-No dad

Aman-That means u lied to me sonia?

Sonia-What are u saying avu! Didnt u arrested him!

Avu-I arrested kalachor. Not the rapist.


Sonia-Calm down pls.

Aman-Avu, do a videocall to your adaaya mam and ask her to show Kalachor in the jail.

Avu had no choice of denying him as the doctors were strict about it.

She did a videocall.

In call:

Avu-Mam, will u please show kalachor to us for my dad's satistafaction?

Emphazing the last 2 words.


She showed Siddharth whose both hands were tied and he was looking pityable.

One police was standing with a belt.

Adaaya-You did a good job Avneet.

Avneet showed the phone to her dad. She didnt had the guts to show herself to sid.

Aman-Yeah. I am also proud of my daughter. Why avu?

Avu smiled forcefully.

The police then started beating sid.

Avu-Mam, Pls ask him to stop.


Avu-Mam, I have a lot to tell u

Aman-But he deserves it. Rapist and betrayer.

Saying this he started coughing.

Sid- Beat me police. I deserve it.

This made avu break totally....

Avu declined the call and ran out of the hospital.

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