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Next day at the place of sidneet's meet:

Sid was waiting as he came first and as he saw avu he got lost in her.

Avu- Heya!
Sid- H..helo..

Avu-Are you okay?
Sid shook his head.


Avu-Achha listen, I have 3 questions to ask you.
Sid- Okay rabbit.
Avu-Dont spoil my mood!

Avu-Where did you say Raghav buying chloroforme?

Sid-In xyz street.


Sid-Probably at 9.00 pm

Avu-And what is the proof you have?

Sid-Proof? Um....

Avu ( in mind )- Was I doubting correct? Is he making me enter in a whirpool!

Sid-Oh yeah! Wait.

He took his phone.

And he made her see the pic of raghav which he took.




Avu-Yesterday a girl got kidnapped in the next street, just after u saw raghav going... she was raped and people said its kalachor who did it.

Sid-I am not getting it...

Avu- leave it. I will do a bit more research and let u know about it.

Sid- You are inpossible

Avu-Thank You.

Avu- Okay bye..

She turbed around to go but her leg got crushed with a stone and she was to fall....

When Siddharth caught her by her waist.

Due to the action and situation avu kept her hands in his chest.

And both looked deep in each others eyes.

The wind blowed making avu's strip of hair disturb the eyelock.

But sid was not ready to leave her.

He took her strand of hair and tucked it behind her hair.

Avu got her senses back with his touch.

Avu pushed him and they got aparted.

Avu-Ababab.. I need to leave now

She turned around to go...

But she heard him saying

Sid- Did I tell you that your eyes are beautiful?

Avu felt heat rising in her cheek.

She didnt dare to look at him instead ran away as faster as she could.

He scrunched his neck smiling...

All these were observed by sm1.

At Avneet's Side:

Avu was in her room sitting when she heard her dad calling her.
She went down.

Avu-Yes dad?
Aman- Avu do u Like Raghav?
Avu-Yes dad...
Aman- Re...
Avu-But As A FRIEND.

Aman( low voice )- I knew this.

Aman-Avneet, I think Raghav is good for you. He is understanding, caring and a nice boy.

Avu-Sorry Dad, But I am Not Ready To Marry him.
Aman-I am not asking for now... You are gonna turn 24 soon. So think about it.
Avu- Okay dad.

And she went in her room.

At Siddharth's side:

Sid was thinking how to follow Raghav when e received a call.

It was an unknown number.
He picked it.

Sid- Hello?

Unknown- Hello.

Sid- Siddharth This side. Who are you?

Unknown- i know. And my identity doesnot matter now. Listen boy, leave that girl.


Unknown- I am speaking of Avneet.

Sid-Nak.. I Mean Avneet.. But why? She is my friend.

Unknown- If you are just friends then its okay.. and if u try on herself, u are gone.

Sid- Wait! How u got my number?

Unknown- Hahaha

And the call ended.

Sid- Who was he? How does he know me or that nakchadi?

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