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Who’s that?
End of her pov.

She turned around and saw…………….


Sid- why? Aren’t you happy seeing me?
Avu- not at all!

Before Sid could say anything, she shouted:

Sid put his hand in her mouth.

Sid- why do you always shout so much.
Avu- mmmm…

They were quite close.

Sid- don’t shout its night. What if your parents wake up?
Avu nodded.

Sid removed his hand from her mouth.

Avu- what the hell are you doing here?
Sid- I came here to meet you.

Avu- why 😐
Sid- because you ignored me there…

Avu- ugh. From where did you get my address?
Sid- I was following you.

Avu- I remember I told an uncle to stop you….
Sid- no one can stop the kalachor.

Avu- why were you following me!
Sid- because I need to talk to you, you were ignoring me.

Avu-you might leave!

Sid-are listen...

Avu-do you have hearing problems! I dont want to talk to you! Thats why i was ignoring you! Happy? Now go from here!

Sid- Hmm... Why were you angry?

Avu- Ab....


Avu-I dont know! I dont think its necessary to tell you.

Sid roamed in a circle around her getting closer..

Sid- I think sm1 was angry cause she saw me with my bff.

Avu-No. I didnt!

Sid-when did i said its you?

Avu-I guess only you and me are here.

Sid-Only you and me? No one else?

Avu-Do you have eye problem too?

Sid-You have eye problem. See. There are chair, wall, etc.

Avu-Shut UP!


Avu-Can they talk? Can they understand! Can they think like us!

Sid-Oo.. it means only you and me are here right?

Avu- I think so .....I cant see anyone else here.

Sid-Should I trust on your eye sight?


Sid started coming closer to her and she took backsteps while her breathes went faster..

Soon she felt the wall behind her and sid caged her between the wall and himself...

Avu- Kalachor... What .. are d-o-i-n-g....

Sid- What am I doing? ( innocently )

Avu-Go away! What if some one comes?

Sid-The door is closed....

Avu-I...I...mean someone will hear us.

Sid- Just now the girl infront of me said that.. ( leaning closer and huskily ) only she and me are here...

Avu-L-e-a-v-e m-e...

Sid-First say you forgave me..

Avu-Why will I forgive you? You made another bff and didnt even told me about her!

Just then she realised that she confessed she was angry for that reason..

Avu- I mean....

Sid- I know what you mean..

Avu felt to drown in the ground because of embarrasement..

Sid-Dont worry Nakchadi... I will just love my jungli billi...

With his statement he took a step back.

Avu felt her cheeks heating and could see her face blushing....

Sid was turning the other side but avu heard him saying

" Don't blush... it makes you more beautiful and cute.."

Avu-Ab ab ab.. I am not blushing..

Sid turned towards her...

Sid-I can see that..

Avu-K..kalachor you go now.. if my parents wakes up... there will be problem...

She said looking down..

Sid-This ain't fair.. after so much difficulity I barged here and you are asking me to leave..

Avu looked at him..

Sid came closer held her chin.

Sid-Even after knowing that... I love you..

Avu couldnt look in his eyes..

She knew she was blushing like hell and that moment felt like heaven to her..

Sid- I love tomatoes...

Avu- I.. I am not a tomato..

Sid-I also like apples..

Avu- I am not an apple either..

Sid-Um... then I like strawberries...

Avu-I am a HUMAN ! Not fruits.

Sid-But you are full red...

Avu again looked down..blushing...

Sid knew if he says anything more she will really become any red thing..

He opened his arms and she hugged him....

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