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After realising, avu quickly broke the hug.

The situation was awkard when sid finally spoke.

Sid- Uhm.... What about the plan?

Avu- What is thought is to be followed.

Sid- I dont wanna doubt on your bravery, but what if you get harmed?

Avu- I wont kalachor... dont think much.

Sid-Achha listen...


Sid- How do you know the police?

Avu( in mind )- Now what to tell him...


Avu- woh woh woh.... actually I saw her pic on her instegram and I liked her... so I did a bit research on her... and when I heard she will be awarded, i got excited ( she lied )

Sid- Ya... she is hot..

Avu felt a pang in her heart but he punched him playfully.

Avu- She is much elder than you. you know her personally?


Sid-Okay nakchadi bye..


Sid-We will proceed with the plan soon.


Both chuckled and left.


With Avneet:

She went to Adaaya's desk with a boque.

Ada- Areh avneet?

Avu gave the boque to her.

Avu-Congratulations Mam, You are to be awarded by The CHIEF MINISTER😭😃

Ada-Yess😭.. even I cant belief...

Avu-All your hardwork mam.

Ada- Thanks dear.

Avu- Mention not mam.

Ada- How is your work going?

Avu-Mam I planned something.. and hopefully it works...
The plan is.. Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Ada- Okay..But note it to take care of you

Avu-Sure mam.

Ada- my good wishes....

Avu left.
Avu's pov:
Huf! I am so happy for adaaya mam.
Will go home, grab a coffee and then sleep.
I went to home, got fresh and took my coffee
Ahh... coffee is the best.

I must update myself with the news.

I went a switched the tv on.
The building broke down..
Hats off to the builders .....
I was just going to switch the tv on when a news attracted my eyes.

" A girl got kidnapped by Kalachor At Mumbai Xyz Road ".

My eyes popped out of the socket.

Avu- Kalachor didnt do it... then who was it? Kidnap? Chloroforme?
Umm... wait...

Raghav brought chloroforme today.. is he....


He is your friend avneet! How dare you assume about him.
And does that kalachor have any proof? So That I should belief he saw raghav🤨....

Is kalachor keeping me in a whirpool?
Is he trying lieing?
But I saw genuineness in his eyes.

What is those are fake?

I will ask kalachor about the proof he got after tomorow about raghav.

End of her pov.

Her chain of thoughts were broken as she heard a someone pressing the calling bell.

Avu opened the door and saw it was Raghav

(Me- 🙄.

Avu smiled and they spent their evening beautifully with aman auncle and sonia aunty enjoying, chatting and laughing.

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