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In Avu's room.

Avu's pov:
When I go near him, it feels as if I am not a police and he is not a thief.
Today when I saw him crying I felt pang in my heart. Why? For a thief? But whatever he was saying was the truth? Why was I interested listening his past? And GODD!
Dont know why? I just felt to consoling him and do the friendship with him.
Hey bhagwan.
What happens to me when i go to him. My job is to catch him but seeing him I get affected and i forget everything.
But yeah.
If I know his past it would be easier for me to catch him.
End of her pov.

( okay guys, you can be confused why a police is doing all this with a thief. So I would say that we saw in #aladdinnaamtohsunahoga how yasmine being the princess didnt catch bagdad's so called enemy Kalachor. Because she was secretly in love with him. And here in #sidneetffxadaat avu is also secretly in love with sid but its unrealised to her. Its her unknown love which stops her from catching him. Hope its clear now. )

Wih sid.

He was still in the riverside.

Sid-Abbe nikamme! You was going to share your past to her.
You dont know her, then why are u trusting her.
But the smile i saw was genuine.
I felt comfortable when i hugged her.
I felt as if I am hugging someone who cares for me.
Aur vaise bhi.
She was beautiful. Wait a minute. Whatt! I mean..... ya she is cute but beautiful things are dangerous😆.
She comforted me
. But i must go home. Chachi will be hella angry.

The rest of the day went normal. Sid again got taunt from his aunty and avu kept thinking what happens to her when she is close to him.

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