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It was night and avneet went to the first suspected spot where she was expecting kalachor to be.
She was with her force. 7 police men and 1 jeep.

But she was wrong. Kalachor was not there.

She went to the second suspected area and finally to the third suspected area getting failed from the second one too.

Avu- Listen, kalahor must not find out that we are finding him. So we will search him in different directions and as soon as one of us get successful, we will contact each other. Okay?

Police force- Yes mam.

( note- Avu was not in the police uniform. She was dressed as common people. )

She kept on searching for kalachor in the dark places whem suddenly someone pulled her wrist and pinned her to a tree.


Before she could do anything sm1 placed his/her hand in her mouth.

Sm1-Shhh! Dont shout for your own good. I am not any devil okay? I am saving you.

It was a male voice.

Avu was shocked. She was thinking what to do. Whether to attack sm1 or not.

And in a moment sm1 held her wrist and dragged her with him/her.

Sm1-Hey miss, just come with me. Orelse you will get caught.

Sm1 dragged her in a small hut.

Avu-what is wronggg! Why are you dragging me? And getting caught?


Sm1 pulled her in and closed the door.


Sm1-Dont shouttt! My poor ears. I am a human not bhoot that you are getting scared from me.

( Okay I cant keep much suspence. Its siddharth.)

(Sid was in his kalachor dress)

There was darkness in the room so sid lit a candle.

Avu saw it was a room and sid gestured her to sit in the bed. She saw her prey himself was standing in front of her.

Sid-And why are you roaming alone?

Avu-Youuuu! Kalachor!!

Sid-ayee dont shout. See, this place is not safe for women. People living here are often drunk.

Avu-Really? What are you doing here then? Are u drunk too?

Sid-Noo. I was escaping when I saw you.


She tried calling the police force from her phone but it was non network zone.

Avu couldnt harm him too as if he goes from here, avu will get lost alone in this jungle as she does not know the way. ( remember sid dragged her? )

Avu decided to talk with him and know about him so that it gets easier to catch him.

Sid-Hey miss? Where are  lost?

Avu-Firstly why did u bring me here?

Sid-Cause this is a safe place.

Avu-Ughhhh! Make me go back to the place where you met me.

Sid-Neverr! The cops are finding me.

Avu again got shocked that how he knew about the secret mission.

Avu-How did u know?

Sid- (smirking) Well, I am kalachor and nothing can happen which I dont know.

Avu-Then where will I live tonight?

Sid-Here. Tomorrow morning I am gonna take you back to the place where I took you from.

She started shouting!

Sid closed her mouth with his hand.

Sid-Why are u shouting!

This brought them close and this time avu took a look in his hazel pairs. There was a cute eyelock with sid's hand in her mouth and her hand on sid's

Suddenly a high wind came and sid's mask got blown away.

Sid quickly looked away and wore his mask again. Avu couldnt see his face.

Few minutes of awkard silence.

Avu's pov:
He cant be kalachor. His eyes wont say he is a criminal. Those eyes are of an innocent person.
End of her pov.

Sid-Ab...listen miss, you stay here and dont go out. I am coming.


Sid-I gonna bring some food for us escaping from the cops.

He went to bring food making avu numb.

Avu-if he is kalachor, then why is he caring for me? A total stranger? Is he planning to make me unconcious mixing something in my food?

Avu decided to go out and find her crew. Is better to get lost than staying with kalachor. The Police aka Avneet Kaur cant stay with a thief.

But as soon as she took a step out.......

Guess what could have happened.

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