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Skip to their wedding night.

Avu went in the room getring teased by her friends while sid thought to tell avneet a truth of his life. He prepared himself and went in.

He went beside her and lifted her veil.
Her gaze lowered and she smiled.

Sid- Finally we are married.
Avu hitted him upon his arm.

Sid- Nakchadi, if I tell you a truth of my life will you leave me?

Avu looked straight in his eyes.

Avu- Go ahead kalachor....

Sid- first promise me you wont leave me.

Avu kept her hand upon sid's.

Sid- one day I was robbing and I saw a woman without any clothes and mistakenly I got caught and she tried touching me inappropiately but I ran away.
Wont you mind?

This made avu chuckle.

Avu- You are unbelievable siddharth! Why will I leave you for such a silly reason? Even if you had a past, but the present matters.
You said you love me, you proved it, and I belief you wont betray me.

Sid kissed her cheek.

Sid- You are so understanding....

Avu smiled.

Avu- may I open my lahenga and the jewellerries because they are too heavy!

She said like a baby.

Sid- As you wish your majesty!

Avu got up and went infront of the mirror.
She opened her right earring but her left one got stucked with the jewellery tied in her hair.

Sid noticed that and smirked.

Sid- Does someone need my help?
(in a tone of teasing)
Avu- No thanks...
(Oversweetly rolling her eyes)

She was getting angry because of the earring.

Suddenly she felt his hot breathes in her neck.

He touched her earlobe due to which she shivered and slowly solved her knot which she made while struggling to open the earring.

He looked at her through the mirror and she looked back with blushy eyes but trying hard to keep a not-affected face.

Sid smirked at her.
He removed her necklaces tracing her smooth skin with his finger. She bit her lip in order to resist her gasps.

This made him get harder.
He placed his chin in her bare neck and said huskily:

Sid- Dont bit your lip nakchadi...
She immediately understood that and stopped.
But couldnt meet his gaze.

Avu- I..I need to change my dress.
Sid- Ya so do?

Avu- Can you leave me?
Sid- Fine!
She went to change her dress

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