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On the other side:

A boy was walking with cat legs. He quietly broke into an house and went to the locker.

Le mr. Lahiri ( random ). You was torturing the poor na? Now its the time for payback.
End of his pov


In the morning, Mr. Lahiri was walking when suddenly he entered in a slum.

Few small boys were playing and a ball hit his leg

Mr.L - Ewwww..

He went to the boy who kicked the ball.

He ordered his assisstant to slap him.
Assisstant slapped the random boy

Boy2 -Hey!! Whats wrong uncle? Why are you beating my friend?

Boy3-Why are u beating my brother?

Mr.L -  I came here to meet the nigams who are rich a bit. And your dirty ball touched me. Duffer.

Getting signal from Mr. Lahiri, the assisstant slapped the boy again.

They forced the boys to apologise to Mr. Lahiri touching his leg.

Mr. L - dont dare to touch me, just apologise.

He kicked the small boys and left

All these were observed by sm1


Guess sm1.
Hint- he is the same guy who peeped in mr. Lahiri's home.

Yess. No more suspence. Its siddharth, our hero.


He took few bags of money and left.

And now you all guess what can happen the next morning in mr. Lahiri' s home when he will get to know that kalachor has stolen his money.


The next morning Sid distributed some of the money to poor, and with the rest he brought toys which he gave to all children of the slum.

And remember, everyone of the slum liked kalachor as he never stole anything instead supported them.
They were his family

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