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After 2 days:

Siddharth was sitting thinking about how to ask forgiveness from avneet.

He was way to engolfed in it when suddenly Jannat came panting.

Sid- Bawli? What happened....

Jannat hugged him tight.

Jan- Bawla! He broke my heart... I hate him!!

Sid- Who?

He said caressing her back.

Jan- Faisu! I hate him... You know what I saw?

She said breaking the hug.

Sid- Tell me? I am gonna beat the shit of him.

Jan- I saw him g...going in... wi..with a  girl... and he closed the door and I heard the scream of the girl.
All his love was fake... All he told he was fake..

Sid- Lets go! I will make him realise his position! Trying to harm my bawli!
Is this a joke!

His blood boiled and he headed towards Faisu's room

He opened the door with a bang and what he saw broke his heart.

Avu was tied with handcuffs and her jacket was thrown somewhere else... she was in her top looking at faisu with horrific expression.

Faisu was shirtless.

Faisu didnt notice Sid's arrival.

Fai- You came between me and Jan. So today you will pay for it. I am gonna rape you darling....
Jannat loves siddharth!
You are the bitch who came between us!
Will enjoy tonight.

Avu- what the nonsense faisu!

She said trying to come out from his grip.

Anger raised in siddharth.
Faisu not only broke his trust, but he hurted and played with his bff's feelings and is now trying to rape his love.

His blood boiled.

He didnt waste a second and headed towards faisu.
Both faisu and avneet were shocked seeing him.

Sid held his coller

Sid- You fucking Bastard! How dare you trying to lay your dirty eyes towards her!

And he tried punching him but before that faisu somehow escaped and ran away.

Sid went to avneet as opened her handcuffs deciding to teah faisu a lesson after he consoles her as getting raped is the biggest nightmare of a girl.
He though she needs him.

As soon as he opened the handcuffs he hugged her tight.
Avu was quite shocked to understand anything.

Sid- I am sorry. Pls pls pls forgive me nakchadi.
I have hurted you.
I didnt trust you. I didnt belief you.
I didnt listened to you.
I made you cry.
I have you tears and pain.
Now I know the truth. But I didnt have the courage to seek forgiveness from you.
I am not worth of it but please forgive me. Please!

He hugged her even tight as he was in his tears.

Sid- I hate myself for hating you. I will never forgive myself. But will you please?

Avu- I dont know that but my bones will never forgive you. You always have a motive break them.

Sid realised that he was hugging her so tight.

He broke the hug and looked down mouthing a sorry.

Avu stood up and wore her jacket.

Sid held her wrist.

Sid- will you please?

He said meeting his gaze with her.

She noticed the guilty he had for her in his orbs.

She nodded.

Sid looked at her with disbelief.

Avu didnt waste a second and hugged him and he hugged her back.
They both missed each other and they found them back.

They didnt realise how much time they spend like that.

Suddenly sid felt her crying.

Sid- Nak...

She hugged him tighter.

Avu- I hate you!

Sid- I know.... I worth it... I am sorry.

Avu- You dont know what I faced. You are so bad.

Sid then realised that faisu was to rape her.

He broke the hug.

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