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The next day in amusement park:

Sidfai and janeet went to amusement park.

Fai(in mind)- Today i will spend some time with my jaan.

Avu(in mind)- I need to make him fall for me again asap. Orelse if fainnat betrays him........

Jan(in mind)- i want to spend the day with faisu.

Sid(in mind)- I need to make her belief I love bawli. Btw bawli is cute... look how she is laughing with faisu....

Fai- So first what do you wanna do guys?

Avu- How about riding?

Jan- 100% Correct!

Sid- Me with jannat.

Fainnat(in mind)- Whatt! Nooo! I wanna spend time with him/her. He is spoiling everything.

Jannat thought to convince sid so that he allows her to go with faisu somehow.

Avu- Me with Faisu then😄

Fainnat cursed them in mind.
They looked at each other and fake smiled.

Fai- Okah!

Jan- Okah!

They went to ride rollercoaster first.

It was all their first time.

When the coaster took its speed, avu clutched into faisu's arm while jan did it with sid.

The boys kept their arm around their girls.

Sid saw how avu was clutching in faisu's arm.

After the ride:

Avu- it was too fun right faisu?
Fai- Yuppie!

Jan got jealous.

Jan- I felt so protected with you. Thanks bawla!
Sid- anything for you.

They spent their whole day together in the park.
While fainnat made each other jealous, sidneet kept thinking if their destiny made them together, how better it would have been.
Avu didnt enjoy much with faisu but sid enjoyed a lot except when avu was around him.


Faisu called jannat behind a tree.

Fai- I wanna spent time with you.
Jan- Why? You have your avneet na?

Fai- you also have your bawla na?

The realised how fool they have been and how they wasted their fun making each other jealous.

Jan- sorry
Fai- Sorry too. Now lets send those two idiots somewhere and let us be happy.

Jan blushed.

They went to sidneet.

Sid- Oh bawli! I was finding you from long!
Jan- Bawla, Faisu and me always wanted to go to see the movie of ( imagine your fav movie.)
But we only got 2 tickets. Can I go with him plss.

Sid- Why to ask? Go... I trust you bawli.

Jan- aww Love you.

Sid kissed her cheeks.
Jan left with faisu.

Avu(in mind)- maybe our love was not pure.... not true.... he trusts her blindly but he didnt even trust me with his eyes open.
Am I doing wrong trying to make him fall for me to save him when faisu and jannat leaves him?
Or does he deserve it?
I dont know his....
But I loved him from my heart.
And I can never betray my love..
Maybe he wont fall for me again, but I will make sure he gets prepared to bear the shock when fainnat leaves him.

She looked at the direction where sid was standing and found no one was there.

Meanwhile with sid:

He returned his home.

Sid(in mind)- Why is she still here? Although I have moved on from her but I cant stay happy if she stays infront of me.
All the memories we spent together appears in my mind and I become soft. I start smiling. I feel loved.... but she never loved me!
Even now she is trying on faisu.
If she stays here I cant stay happy.
You taught me the meaning of Love MISS. AVNEET KAUR, but unfortunately you yourself dont you what is love!

With Avu:
She too returned to jan's home and saw sid was already there.

Avu- How rude! He left me. He came home without even telling me!
I was finding him!
Ugh bandar!
MASTER SIDDHARTH NIGAM, you taught me how to treat a partner..... but regretion is when You yourself dont know that treating people in a relationship doesnt mean loving giving one's everything. It needs trust too.


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