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She was cutted as sid placed his hand in her mouth.

Sid-Chup. You speak a lot.


Sid ( mimicring her )- Mmmm. Listen miss avneet, I am a thief I admit, but there were some past because of which I became a chor. None of the child is a born theif.
Yes its true that I steal things, but only if necessary.
I was coming to you only to return your phone.

He aparted his hand. And forwarded her phone to her.


She took it. And caught sid's hand.

Sid got goosebumps.

Sid-Whats that for?

Avu-I am taking you to police station

Sid laughed.

Avu got shocked.

Sid-Catching kalachor is not diffucult its  impossible.

Avu-Achha? So much confidence? Well I am AV...

Sid-i know your name.

Avu decided to stop with talking with him as talking to him is useless.

She held his hand even tightly and dragged her when someone kids gathered infront of her.

Kid1- You cant take kalachor.

Kid3 -Yes he is our friend.

Kid 2- kalachor is our savior.

Kid 4- Our hero.

Kid5- We wont let you take him.

Avu-Sorry kids but I have to do this. He is illegal

Kid1- Okay then.

The kid whisteled a tune.

Avu tried dragging sid but the kids didnt let her.

And just then 50 old people and 70 men 56 women came running

Kid1- See, this didi is taking kalachor to jail.

People- WHAT?

Sm1- Aye girl, you wanna take kalachor?



They rushed towards sidneet.

Sid caught avu's hand and took her out of the gathering.

Sid-Chup chap chalo.

But one kid came infront of them.

Kid-Please didi dont take him. We will die without him.

Avu was alreay shocked seeing all these people taking side of kalachor.

Kid started crying.

Avu-Achha baba dont cry. I wont take him

She liked kids and she cant see a kid crying.

The kid forawrded his pinky finger


Avu thought for a while and looked at sid who was smirking.

Avu intertwining her pinky finer with the kid's.



Sm1- Why should we stop?
Sm2- That girl tried taking our kalachor.

People started telling and expressing their love for kalachor.

Sid-My lovely family, pls listen. She is my friend and she didnt belief me when I said how much you guys love me. So i gave her a demo.THANK YOU MY FAMILY.

All shouted- JAI HO KALACHOR.

Sid held avu's hand and took her outside the park. They went to a river side.

Avu looked at sid and saw him smirking.

Avu-dont smirk

Sid-Why? The great Miss. Avneet challenged me that she will take me to jail...

Avu-Shut up. I would have if that child didnt gave me the promise.



Sid-if I didnt tell them that u are my friend and dragged u then u would have got beaten up by them.

Avu- whatever

Sid-Admit it miss avneet, that no one can catch kalachor.

Avu-I will oneday.

Sid-Will see.

Avu-Can I ask u a question?

Sid-Sure miss....

Avu-Just call avneet. No need of miss avneet.

Sid-okay avneet.

Avu-everyone knows that you rape girls, you have a gang who does all illegal works, then why do they likes you? And why arent u harming me?

Sid-They likes me cause I help them financially, personally and i love them. They are my family.
And i wont answer ur second quetion

Avu-May I know why?


Avu held his coller.

Avu-Sidha sidha bolo varna!


Avu-I will take u to jail.

Sid-You cant u promised the kid.

Avu-Just answer my questions!

Sid placed his hands in her waist. Avu went shocked and felt an electric shock.

Sid( huskily )- Till date noone dared to talk to kalachor. And you are warning me?

He pulled her closer.

Sid-Dont u think its wrong?

Avu was so much affected by his touch so she forgot everything

Avu- l-leave me.

Sid removed his hand from her waist.

Sid-Dont interfare in my life. Its complicated.

Saying this he left.

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