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Avneet got the phone number of the girl and she decided to contact her.

She placed a call in that number.

Call conversation starts:
Sm1- Hello?
Avu-Hello, am I speaking to Anshika Dutt?
( random girl who got raped, sorry if its your name 😔)

Sm1- No I am her mom. Who are u?

( she said rudely as after a daughter gets harrased a mother never trusts a stranger easily. )

Avu- I am Avneet Kaur. I am the police on B devision, second highest rank and I want to do an investigation so that the culprit gets arrested.

Anshika's mom- I can understand, But I cannot trust anyone. Can you meet me face to face?

Avu-Sure mam. Give me your address.

Anshika's mom- Sorry, meet me in xyz cafe.

Avu smiled.

Avu- Okay mam. I will reach there but 5.00 pm today.

Anashika's mom- Okay.
Call conversation ends.

Avu( in mind )- She is really a protective mother. She is not one of those orthodox moms who scolds and punishes their innocent children for getting raped. She is the few of those moms who instead stand for their child.

Skip to 5.00 pm.

Avu was waiting for Anashika's mom in the cafe.

Then suddenly she received a call. It showed that it was anashika's mom

Avu picked it.


Anashika's mom- Hello. I am in the cafe.

Avu stood up and saw a lady speaking on phone wearing a read shawl.

Avu-Mam are you in red shawl?

Anashika's mom- Yes.

Avu- look towards your left.

The lady looked towards her left and founf avu waving her hand at her.

( I will use Lady for anashika's mom.)

Lady- so you are really a police.

Avu- shh shh.. In a low voice madam. I am from a secret police organization where you gave your case.

She showed her identity card

Lady- Oh. Sorry I was being impolite because after someone harassed my girl, I cant trust anyone atleast in online.

Avu- You can trust me mam

The lady smiled.

Avu-So mam, I think you will answer every question instead of Anshika?

Lady- Yes. Avu- So I am starting with my questions.


Avu took her recorder and a pen and paper where she noted her questions. She also started recording with a camera, incase someone disagree that its not their voice.

Avu-So mam, firstly you are the mother of the girl who got raped, as per report, he is Anshika Dutt.

Lady-Yes I am.

Avu- Okay mam. So tell us when Miss. Anshika went out of the house? When she returned and how was her state?

Lady- She went out at 6.00 pm as it was her piano lesson. Her class extends till 7.30pm.
But that day, she returned at 12.00 am at night, when we were about to inform the police.  We found her knocking the door wearing torn clothes and she was crying.

Avu-Okay. And do you know that how was the place where  she got raped, how did the person looked?

Lady-She told that the person wore black clothes and clearly its visible that the rapist is none other than kalachor. The room was yellow with red prints in it.

(Then avu asked few more questions. I dont think you are further interested studing the case, neither me. Also I am feeling like a detective now. 😝)

Avu completed with her investigation and then both she and the person went to their respective home.

Avu's pov:
Although Kalachor said he do not run any such illegal company. Also I got the proof that he was true, but it can also happen the rapist was his men. There is no guarentee that kalachor is telling the truth. I want to trut him, don't know why, but I am a Police! AND I STUDY A CASE.
And even though adaaya mam told me not to do it, but I will use my brain.
Anyways. I am tired.
She slept.

With sid:

Sid's pov:
Hmm, today I dont need to steal. So lets find about that friend of Rabbit, urf Raghav.

( thinking of the moment and mimicring raghav in mind )

" she is mine."

Mine my foot.😑

Anyways, I dont know where that bastard lives, But I will find it out.

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