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As soon as sid reached the home he found his chachi waiting for him.

Naaz-Yes mera bachha.

Sid wondered why was she talking such sweetly.

Sid-Chachi I am tired so...

He was about to come in when he received a tight slap from naaz.

Naaz-Where were you the last night!

Sid- Chachi....

Naaz- You must have spent the night here and there. HOW MANY TIMES WE SAID WE NEED MONEY EVERYDAY!
Tera maa kuchh nahi sikhaya kya?

Sid-Enough Chachi! I was escaping from the cops as they were in a mission to catch kalachor. What if I got caught? And you made me the thief so its your fault.

Naaz let him come in but gave him little food. Sid cared less as he could easily steal food from shops.

( thats how sid's life is. His uncle and aunty made him thief and he was forced by the condition. Will reveal it later.  He gets taunt everyday. )

With Avneet:

She returned her home and saw her mom and dad was in the sofa sleeping.

Avu-Why is the door opened? Anyone can come in and why are they sleeping here?

She called them and they woke up.


She hugged him.

Aman too joined the hug.

Aman-Where was you the late night beta?

Avu-Woh dad....

Sonia-a million thanks to bhagwan that he kept u safe.

Avu-Yes mom. Also no one an harm me. AVNEET KAUR.

Aman-I know my child is brave. But where u was?

Avu-actually...actually I heard some sound from a direction I went there and lost my way. There was no mobile network there and todays morning one woodcutter told me the way.

She lied.

Sonia joined her hands and touched thembin her forehead chanting god's name.

Aman-Wait first lets inform to your officer that u returned safe. She is tensed.

Amandeep did the necessary.

Here avu went to her police station the next day.

( Let avu's officers name be Adaaya. I didnt included it before cause I didnt thought its necessary but now i needed to give a name to her. Orelse its getting completed. )

She went to adaaya's office.

Avu-May I come in mam?
Adaaya stood up.

Aada- Areh avneet. Where was u I was totally scared thinking where u could be... are u okay dear?

Avu-Calm down mam. Yes I am fully fit and fine..

Ada-Tell me where was you...

Avu's pov:
She is like my didi. Should I trust and tell her?
End of her pov

Ada-What happened avneet? Where are u lost

Avu- Mam, I consider u to be my didi, so I am trusting and telling u. Pls dont misunderstand me.

Ada-Yes tell. Dont worry, I also trust my sisso.

Avu smiled.

Avu-Mam woh actually...

She fidded her fingers together.

Avu-I spent the whole night with kalachor.

She said in a breathe and stopped.

Adaaya was shocked.


Avu-He dragged me in a home, and we stayed together. He said that he dragged me cause the area where i was standing was not safe for girls. Who will make that idoit understand that I am a police!

Ada-He didnt hurt u na ?

Avu-No mam. I just wonder how at that moment the dragged me.


Avu-I didnt have any other option that I catch him, cause I didnt know the way back home. I needed him to return back . But trust me mam, I will find him soon.

Ada-I understood. Did u see his face?

Avu-No. But I saw his hazel eyes. And that would help me to figure him out.

Ada-Any more details?

Avu-i guess he was muscular and strong too.

Ada-Okay dear. Stay safe and take care.

Avu-Sure mam. I will find that bastard soon and hand him to you.

Ada-i know.

She replied with a smile

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