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She came back wearing this when sid had already changed.

Although it was a simple, comfortable dress, he felt her smocking hot

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Although it was a simple, comfortable dress, he felt her smocking hot. But he didnt say anything just gulped in his mind.

He was sitting trying his best to control him but avu felt somethig strange in him. She thought maybe his head was paining due to the hectic day so she thought to check on him.

Avu- Siddharth, are you feeling unwell?
She said heading towards him when suddenly her leg twisted and she fell upon sid.

Her eyes widened. This was unexpected for him too. She quickly got up.
Sid thought to use to situation.

He extended his hand towards her so that she helps her.

She was nervous after what happened but immediately forwarded her hand so help him get up.

But he pulled her towards him and she fell upon him.
She bit her lip in nervousness. Sid couldnt control more.

Their noses brushed he moved closer to her and their lips met. He kissed her lower lip.
She was shocked to react.

He immediately flipped them when he hovered over her.
He held her waist.
She couldnt hold her back and kissed him back.

Her hands went to his neck.
Kissing for a while they broke the kiss.
It was their first time.

He moved to her jaw and then her neck. He found her sweet spot and sucked her hard.
She let out her moan which she was holding for long due to his sweet torture. Her grip on his clothes tightened.
His colongue drived her crazy.
He smirked against her skin earning her moan.

Before moving to her cleavage he stopped.

Sid- Are you enjoying?

Avu pushed him.

Avu- sleep! Saying this she quickly arranged the bed.

Sid laid behind her hugging her. She smiled and hugged him back.

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