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Siddharth and Avneet sat in the bench with a bit of personal silence… they were happy because everything got sorted….

Sid- nakchadi…

Avu- hmm?

Sid- why were you angry btw?

This made her blush and also get out of answer…

Sid- say?

Avu- leave it kalachor… (Giving awkward faked smile)

Sid- But I should know the reason why you were angry… I said that I won’t repeat it the next time…  so I should know my mistake…

He said smirking a bit which was unnoticed by her as she was looking down.

Avu- actually I was angry because of personal issues and I took off my anger shouting and ignoring you…

Sid understood that she was actually lying.

Sid- or maybe you were angry cause I didn’t told you about bawli?

( The girl is none other than JANNAT ZUBAIR RAHMANI… )

Avu(in mind)- who is this bawli now!😡

Avu- who is bawli?

Sid- the same one whom you saw with me… that day since when you started ignoring me…

Avu- ab….no…
Sid(smirking)-  I must say you are bad at lying…

Avu(in mind)-now when the truth came out I must ask him about the girl… because of her I and he didn’t talk! Or maybe it was my mistake… now it’s the time to ask him about the girl. Whether he loves her or not!

Avu- I am not lying…
Sid- ok then... leave that topic.

Avu(In mind)- no no no… I need to know about that girl!

Avu- um.. who was that girl by the way?

Sid(in mind)- now coming on the way! Lets tease her.....

Sid- why? You said you were not angry because of her…. Then leave her…

Avu rolled her eyes and held his collar.

Avu- before I beat you and see you shouting for mercy, you should stay on your limit kalachor!

Sid(In mind)- Bapre! speak honestly sid beta…. No she will really break your nose…

Sid- hehe.. was just kidding…😅😱
Avu- I know!😠

She left his collar and sat angrily…

Sid(In mind)- how much ager does she has in her… NAKCHADI .. perfect name….

Avu- do you need a punch to speak!

Sid- no-no..bawli is my bff!

Avu- achha? Then who am I ?

Sid- you are nakchadi!

After completing the word he got afraid seeing her face as she was looking like a volcano which was just going to erupt!

Avu- BANDAR KE BACHHE! You want to know why I was angry right! LISTEN IT CAREFULLY!
How dare you make another best friend without even letting me know!
You keep on saying that I am your bff etc. etc.
Then you didn’t even tell me about the other one! I came to meet you that day but you were totally busy with your BAWLI!
Even the next few days I didn’t came because I was angry. I thought you will come! but no! you didn’t come!
I sent one of my friend to see whether you were waiting or not and found she told you were not there!
You even forgot that I exist!
I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!

His mouth was opened.

Sid- nakchadi! You can speak that much…

Avu stomped her foot on his.

Sid- I am hurt.

He started acting as if he got hurt..

Avu- done with your drama!🙄

Sid- yes…

Avu- I am going to leave! Bye bye

Sid held her hand and pulled her towards him. She collided with his chest but she got rid of him.

Sid- nakchadi…
He held both her hands.

Sid- promise me that even if you get angry for any cause, you won’t break our friendship, without havig a talk with me….

Avu- promise

A moment of emotional eye lock.

Sid- also you wont misunderstand me….

Avu- promise…

Sid smiled….

Avu- and if for the situation we get separated?

Sid- means?

Avu- I don’t know when we developed so nice bond…. Sometimes I fear if our friendship gets over?
What if the situation separates us?

Sid- do you trust me?

Avu- a lot….

Sid- that’s enough for our relation to stay strong….

Suddenly Avneet received a call….

She picked it…

Avu- hello?
Avu- wrong number…

She declined the call…

Sid- what is the time?

Avu- 8 pm

Sid- omg! I am leaving nakchadi, chachi will be angry!

Avu smiled…

Avu- bye

Sid was to leave when he turned back, took a glance of her… smiled and left….

Avneet too left for her home...

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