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The next day.

Avu was sitting in the bed working with her laptop and few files.

She heard the voice of the rapist which Urmee collected.
She herd it..

Avu- It sounds like raghav.

Avu heard it about 25 times.

Avu-It does sounds like raghav😱! Means he is the o-n-e who rapes?

Just then she received a call.

It showed the id of Rahul.

Avu picked it:

Rahul- Avneet mam?
Avu-Yes its me speaking. Say..
Rahul- I asked boss :

Rahul- sir what would you like to have to lunch?
Boss- anything.
Rahul- but sir, when you were sleeping you were saying that you want your fav food. So if you tell me what it is, I can make it.

Boss thought for a while

Boss- Ok. Make Tikhi Alu with chapati roti.. and dont tell about this to anyone.
Rahul-Ok sir.

Avu- So he likes Tikhi Alu... Hmm. Any other information?
Rahul- no mam.. but I heard from others that he is planning somthing big.
Avu-Ok Rahul. Thank You
Rahul- Thank You mam.

Call conversation ends.

Avu- Tikhi alu is not raghav's favourite.. Oh god! Its a very big mystery.


With sid.

He was very happy to meet his long lost bff. He continued stealing things and chatting with his bff in phone

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