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Avu went out of the hospital. She sat is a bench.

Avu's pov:
What happened just now?
Is it my dream?
Dad is admitted in hospital just for me. I hurted him when the doctors highly warned not to speak against him.
And what I was doing!
His last wishes....
( all the memories she spent with kalachor appeared in her mind )
He deserves to go to the jail! He is not a rapist, not the drug dealer but he is a thief.
And he deserves prison for that.
How can I do this to my love!
And marrying raghav?
(she fisted her hair in her hands)
( she received a call and it was sonia. She was informed amandeep being in a critical condition. She took a deep breathe declining the call)

"You are my bestfriend Nakchadi"

"Yes. Sweetheart doesnt suit u. Um.. maybe jungli billi or rabbit...... oh yeah! Nakchadi..."

"Why were u angry... she is just my bff"

"Dont leave me Nakchadi..."

Oh god!
What to do now.
I am standing in the peak of a mountain and now either I will have to push the love of my life or my parents whom I respect the most in the world.
What to do....
Dad's life - Kalachor.....
I promised u that I will never hurt, betray or leave you kalachor, but.......
I cannot live if dad dies and that too because of me...
Sorry siddharth... i- h-a-v-e  t-o  d-o  t-h-i-s...
End of her pov.

With Siddharth.

Sid- Hmm... Today Nakchadi will catch the rapist.
She is my goodluck.
And now she will throw the badluck out of my life.
A new beginning of my life...
Soon I will propose her...
Her smile, anger, pouts and nails...
Soon I will confess my feelings to you my love....

But suddenly he heard the sound of police vans.

Naaz- Police?

Police1- We are here to arrest Mr. Siddharth Nigam in the complain against him being KALACHOR.

Naaz(in mind)- Now when they got to know the truth, I should also act as if that siddharth threatened me.

Naaz-Yes police, arrest him. U know he always threathed me not to tell anything against him. He warned us....

Police2- Tell this in the court.🙄

By this time siddharth came out.

Naaz-There he is. The KALACHOR.

Sid got confused.

The polices immediately locked his hands and started dragging him with them in the van.

Sid- Chachi.... where are they taking me.... excuse me?

Police1 punched his face.

Police1- Shut up u bastard! U raped my only daughter. Now come to the prison.

Naaz-Yes yes take him.

Sid knew there was no use of fighting.

In the car:

Sid- Who filed against me?

No one replied.

Sid-See, one day my bestfriend will prove me being innocent, that time even if u ask for forgiveness I wont. So reply me.  I can also case against u as u are taking an innocent person with you

Police 3 laughed.

Police-Innocent person🤣

Police4-Who is your best friend? 😂


A moment of silence.....

Just then all the polices bursted into laughing.

Police1- Avneet mam is your bff?😆

Police2-Kuchh bhi🤣

Sid-She is really my bff.

He said being confused.

Police1- Then we must say avneet mam is a good actress too.

Sid-What do u mean? Do u know nak... I mean Avneet? And why are u calling her mam?

Police3 slapped him hard.

Police3- Not a word against mam.

Police6- Oy kalachor, listen then, u should know that you bff aka avneet kaur🤣 herself filed against u in the offlice.

Police4- And she is the second head of our police department. 😂

Sid felt his world stopping.

Sid's pov:
Nakchadi is a police? She filed against me?
S-h-e lied to me?
Was our friendship that much weak?
Then why did she acted so much?
Why did whe made me fall for her?
Why she cared for me?
Why she made me thought she likes me? Everything is a plan?
End of his pov.

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