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Sm1- Bawli...
Bawli- nope
Sm1- Please na?
Bawli- NOPE!

Sm1- You know my condition still why are you denying!
Bawli- You are not understanding bawla! I tried..

Ok before heading forward, lets reveal our bawla-bawli being siddharth and jannat.

Sid- Not a word in that topic. You tell me whether you will help me or not!

Jan- Ugh fine! But i dont understand why are you doing this.

Sid- To see her suffering and take my revenge.

Jan- But she was innocent.

Sid- To you. (Pausing a little) Not to me.

He left.

Jan's pov:
I know doing this you will suffer more than her but I dont know what to do! I cant say yes neither no.

( After raghav was punished and everything was normal. Wait. Everything was normal?
No sidneet stopped taking to each other. )

Jan- Oy Bawla! Why didn't you talk to avu I mean avneet?

Sid- Just dont take her name.

Jan- Dont tell me you guys didnt sort out.

Sid's eyes became red.

Sid- What do you mean by we didnt sort out? What was there to sort out? You want me to get back with a BETRAYER?

Jan- You misunderstood her. Let me tell you...

Sid- No need to tell anything. For me she is a cheater! A betrayer!

Jan- She is not! Listen...

Sid- If u speak a word for her neither take her name, you will see me in my funeral.

Jan placed her finger in his lips.

Jan- Dont speak about death!

Sid- Then you dont speak about her.

Jan- Just one time. Pls listen. She didnt betray you....

Sid- Ok fine. She didnt betray me right? But she did hurt me! And I want a payback!
End of Flashback.

Jan- I know you didnt move on from her. But whenever I tried telling you the truth, you deny the fact.

A lot of things happened in the 4 months.
Jannat tried explaining siddharth that avneet was innocent but he always refused to agree.
Faisal and avneet regained their old friendship.

Jannat-Faisu-Siddharth stays together as both sid and faisu are homeless.
Sid is developing his own buisness.

Avneet and fainnat shared a good bond, but sidneet stopped seeing each others faces.
Jannat and faisu often met avneet but sid and avu never met after the incident.
But they always saw each others pictures and cry in secret.

When amandeep and sonia asked avneet that they wants to meet him, avneet either ignored neither changed the topic.
They understood something is wrong between them.

But one day:

Amandeep was feeling a pain in his chest. He told avu and sonia about it. They decided to have a talk with the doctor.

Doctor- Mr. Singh, Here in Mumbai we have speacialists but it would be better if you go to Hyderabad. They have a better treatment facility.

Thus they decided to go to hyderabad.

But Avu couldnt go there because she was handling a case in Mumbai.

Aman- Avu leave it na. We can go there alone. Sonia will be there with me.

Sonia- Yes avu

Avu- but... Wait. We an request Jai about it.

(In this ff Jai is her cousin brother.)

Aman- But will it be possible for him to go with us?

Avu- Yes. I trust jai and lets talk with him.

She called jai and he informed that he does not have any problem to go with aman-sonia.

Avu was a bit relieved.

Soon the day came when sonia and amandeep went off for Hyderabad with jai.

Avu got a call from jannat.

Jan- Hey Avu whatsup!

Avu told her that her parents went to hyderabad etc.

Jan- Then come and stay with us na?

Avu- How can I? He is also there.

Jan- So what? Me and faisu are here so you need not to worry.

Avu- But jannu...

Jan- If you deny, I will break our friendship.
We never had a sleepover till date.

Avu- You can also come in my home.

Jan- Nope. Yours is way to big to stay. You are coming thats final!

She declined the call.

Avu went tensed.

Avu- How will I do it!!! He will also be there.
How .... this girl ugh!
Maybe I wont talk to him.
Also i will be lonely here...

Jan told sid that avu will be coming.

Sid- What! How did could you do this to me! You know that I hate her from the core of my heart! Still why did u...

Jan- Me and faisal want to have a sleepover with her. You guys need to adjust.

Sid-then i have one condition.

Jan- Say?

Sid- bla bla bla.

Jan- Nope
After this resd the first few lines again to get what the matter was

After this resd the first few lines again to get what the matter was

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Here is the cover for season 3.

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