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With Avneet.

Raghav called avu and she picked it.

Ragh-Hey Avneet.

Ragh-would u go on a dat... i mean day out with me when you are free?

Avu-Umm, okay. How about today?

Ragh-Okay I dont have any problem. So be ready I will pick u at 11.00 pm.

Avu-Woah! Its night!

Ragh-Ya. I will take you to a riverside its beautiful. And we spent time warming us in sitting around the fire.

Avu-It sounds adventurous. I will surely be ready

Ragh-Okay then bye.


Call Conversation Ends.

Ragh- I think she is melting for me.😈.... then I will marry her, uncle will write his property in my name. I will have my night with avneet and if she doesnt allow me I can force her... I have experience and then I will kill her. Orelse it would be difficult to carry with my mafia works. And she will get to know about my other .......
🤫( will reveal later )
All The problem solved.

At night Avneet got ready and as per plan raghav picked her up.
( swipe for avu's dress. I dont have any interest attaching raghav's pic. )

They went to the riverside and raghav lit the fire.

Raghav kept talking of his experiences but avu's mind was somewhere else. She was thinking of a night which she had spent with a thief few days ago when was consoling him.

After few minutes raghav noticed that she was not listening to him.

Raghav shook his hands infront of her.

Ragh-Where are u lost?

Avu(still in her thoughts)- About kal...

She realised what she was about to say.

Avu-About the beautiful kale raat😅


On the other hand, oir sid was in a mission of stealing money from another big rich cruel person.

He quietly stole the money in his bag and ran away. But someone saw him.Sid stole a bag of money but someone saw him.
It was the guard.

( 1 min silence for those who thought it was avneet hehe )


Sid started running but all the guards and family members became alerted and sid was having no way to escape. He was hiding behind the almirah.

Sid's pov:
What do do🤔🤔... ya.

He took a lamp kept beside the table and he slowly threw the lamp in the other direction.

Guard- He is there

They ran and sid took this chance to escape. His rope was already tied climbing which he entered the home. He quickly went to the window and started climbing down.

Sid-catching kalachor is not difficult its impossible. 😆😉

Sid was running away from there  and after sometime his eye landed on a riverside

( Note = Its not the riverside where sid goes. Its a different one )

Sid- Again two love birds I guess. Kash mere zindegi me bhi koi..... 😐

He was passing when he heard someone's voice.

Sid's pov:
Wait a minute I know this voice.
This is of.....
Wait two minutes.
( he went closer to the spot where two person were sitting. He can see and hear them but they can't. )
Areh she is that girl.
What is she doing with that guy!
He is looking at her with full bad eyes
Wait why am I over possesive.
Areh cause she is my friend!
She consoled me that day maybe thats why.
End of his pov.

He tried avoiding them and leaving the place but he couldn't.
He fought with himself in mind and decided to keep an eye on them.

After half and hour, sid grew tired of waiting and he was burning of jealousy which he refused to admit.

He lost his patience and decided to return back when he heard:

Ragh- Avneet wait I am coming.. in 30 minutes

Avu-Where are you going?

Ragh-😅mujhe woh aaya hai.


Ragh-What u do before bathing

Avu-😂go. And you wont have to return. I will go home. Its late

Ragh nodded and left.

Avu looked at raghav's disappearing figure, took her bag and was about to leave when someone blocked her way.

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