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Jannat had no option left. She was about to nodd her head when a voice was heard.


All looked towards him.

Judge- Who are you! How did u got entry here. Dont u know....

Sm1- Yes My Lord. I know everything. I am FAISAL SHAIKH and I am here to speak in for kalachor.

So yes. Sm1 is revealed to be faisu.
Raghav was shocked to see him.

Judge-Ok I let u speak.

Faisal came to the place where Jannat stood. He asked her to move from there.

Fai- So here are some files which will prove kalachor being innocent. We suspect RAGHAV SHARMA TO BE THE RAPIST AND DRUG DEALER!

There was shouting and houling everywhere. Amandeep was waiting for the next move asking raghav to stay quite as he knew raghav is a good boy.

Fai-Before some days, Avneet kaur set a girl who would seduce Raghav and then she was sure raghav would force her.
And it was true.
Raghav tried forcing her. But the girl was trained.
Even though she tried her best, raghav made her weak and because of some work he had to leave.
After that the girl's bf who was working under him saved her.

Judge- proof?

Fai- I would like to call  Urmee who worked under her.

Urmee came to the stage.

Urmee- I myself saw him trying to force me.
I also recorded his voice. But his face was covered with a black mask.

Faisal played the file where the voice was recorded.

Fai-Raghav Sharma, would u pls speak a word for us.

Now Raghav was sweating. He couldnt change his voice as then amandeep will catch him.

Ragh-I admit its my voice but what if she is lying!

Urmee showed her card to be a police.

Urmee-Faisal, play the voicemail full.

There were few words recorded:

"You bitch!"
"I am kalachor"
"Who will save u babe?"

Fai-How would u explain this raghav?

Raghav was quite.

Fai-Next. I worked under him. And i have his cctv footage. See.

He showed him the footage where raghav's face was there. It was the footage of his home and him doing illegal things.

Raghav now thought to show his real side.

Ragh- Faisu, better if u shut up! Orelse I think u know that you will be killed.

Fai-Sorry raghav, oops Not sorry actually. You raped and killed my sister.  Do you think I beared that?
No... I will die myself but before that I want u to get a good punishment.

The constables came closer to raghav.

Judge- So all the crimes did by kalachor is actually done by this guy!
And whatever miss. Zubair and mr. Shaikh said was true?

All the people who were against kalachor now saw the truth and this was gone to media too.

They agreed that siddharth is kalachor but he is neither the drug dealer nor the rapist

Faisal told the name of the agency of raghav and its location. The police went in that location.

Raghav now knew he is trapped and he tried to run away.
But Amandeep caught him.

Aman slapped his hard.

Aman- Police, take this rapist.

Judge- Siddharth Nigam do you have anything to say?

Sid-No sir..


All clapped for the jury and the court ended.

But sid got 1 week prisonage for being a theif.

Outside the court.

Amandeep was totally broken. He trusted raghav more than his daughter and even himself.
Sonia although was shocked but was consoling him.

While with fainnat.

Jan-Thank You Mr. Shaikh, for saving my bff.

Fai- Its nothing Miss. Zubair... The credit is of avneet.

Jan nodded yes.

Fai- But we need to save avneet now.

Jan- where is she? And why she didnt come?
How is she?

Fai-Jeez woman! Come with me. She was kidnapped and is locked in blablabla place.

Fainnat went for the rescue of avneet.

With sid:

Sid's pov:
I am actually proved innocent? But nakchadi didnt come....
Because she actually hates me.
Her work was to catch me and she did it.
Maybe it was bawli who took the prpofs of raghav from her and proved me today.
Also faisal might be her friend.
Avneet kaur you ditched me.
I will move on from you....
"Nakchadi" I hate this name.
End of his pov

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