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After few more days:

Avu was passing through a street when someone dragged her in a silent place.

She being a police twisted sm1's hand and was about to punch sm1 when she heard.

Sm1- Rabbit.... its me its me.

(Guess to karliya hoga)

Avu looked at sid.

Avu-🤨😠 What the hell!

Sid-Ufff... you just killed me.

Avu-Ya ofcourse. If you will try to harm me, I will harm you back.

Sid-thats great.

Avu-It will be great in prison. Come with me.

Sid- Huh?

Avu-I am taking you to the jail.


Avu- Do you have hearing problems? Then we will go to the doctor first and the to THE JAIL.

Sid( in mind )- She can take me in jail. No trust to this nakchadi. I must give my responsibilities to her so that I can stay in peace.

Sid- Okay. Take me in the jail, but I considered you be my friend. So I want to share my past. And then you take me to the prison. Because I being Kalachor have few responsibilities. And I saw that spark in you. You are capable to take my responsibilities.

Avu( in mind )- Mam told me not to use my brain in this case. I should catch him and handle him to them.  But what this bandar wants to say?
Should I listen to him?
Or shouldnt I?

Her chain of thoughts were broken as sid snapped his fingers in front of her eyes.

Sid- What?

Avu-Nothing. Say what you want.

Sid-Not here.


Sid-Come with me.

Sid took her in the riverside.

Avu- Here?
Sid- Yes mam

Avu-Not in a mood to joke. Say faster as after that You will be in jail...


Avu-I dont have time say faster!

Sid- If u yell  I wont.

Avu-Them dont.

Sid-Okay you may leave.

Avu- I will take u with me.

Sid- I wont go to jail until I find someone who can look after my responsibility. Give me ur phone number. I will call u if I get that person.

Avu-What if u run away?

Sid- i am giving my address to u.

He gave his address.


Avu was curious to know about his past. Although she didnt admit it.

Avu- Ab.. see! I dont have time. Tell about you.

Sid- Why?

Avu-I will look after your responsibilities.

Sid- No.


Sid-For that I need something.

Avu- say?

Sid- Give me anything of u.


Sid-Give me anything which belongs to you.

Avu thought for a while and took out her hankercheif.

Avu-is this okay?


He took the hankey.
And pulled her.

She fell down and sat beside him.


Sid-Okay. So I am Kalachor as You know. The world famous Kalachor. You know, a person never becomes a born thief.
It is the situation which makes them steal things.
The same happened with me.
I wont tell the next until i get one more thing.

Avu-Ugh! What now?

Sid-Anything which belongs to you.

Avu- I have nothing to give u.

Sid-Then I wont say.

Avu-I am also a mad who is curious listening to a thief's past. Nautak! Say clearly what u want Bandar.

Sid-Anything which belongs to you.

Avu- Ughh! What you wantttt ?

Sid-Give me any of your accessary?

Avu-Are you trying to steal indirectly from me?


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