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In avneets home:

Aman- Avneet, I have fixed your marriage with Raghav after 3 days.

Avu-I will get engaged with if u agree to be present in the court tomorrow.

Aman-Explain pls?

Avu- Kalachor will be proved innocent tomorrow.

Aman-then I will surely attend it. To see that rapist and thief getting the punishment.

Avu-Will see that papa.


It was the court, where the judge sat with a serious face.
There were a room full of people.
There were a lot of people standing against kalachor while jannat stood in for of sid.

Siddharth was standing where usually the criminals stand looking down
( common guys I have not done phd in this court things. Spare me😅😂)

But Avneet was no where seen. Amandeep and sonia sat there with eagerness to see the result.
Raghav was also there.

Judge: Let the court begin!

Firstly he let the people against kalachor speak.

People1- He raped my daughter!

People2- alongwith it, he has stolen the most precious diamond from my collection.

People3- He is also the dealer of all the drugs.

They presented their point of views.

Sid stood with defeated face.

Judge-(pointing towards Jannat)- Do you have something to say?

Jan-Yes my lord. Let me tell a story.
Me and baw... siddharth were bffs from childhood.
We jad a happy friendship when his father passed away.
His mom being helpless went to his cruel uncle and aunty.
They forced him to become A thief. Yes my lord.
He is nothing but a thief. He is neither the drug dealer, nor the rapist.


Jan-Here is the proofs.

She presented a footage, where sid was found in xyz(the famous street of ff.) street when the kidnap was done in abc(second famous street) street.

People against sid- But it is not a perfect proof.

People started shouting...

Sid who thought he might get proved innocent broke down.
Jannat presented few other proofs which were  for siddharth.
But the crowd refused believing those.

Jan-Okay. So now lets call the great Avneet Kaur who will prove Siddharth right!

All were shocked.

Crowd1- She was the one who caught him then why is she getting him proved innocent?
Crowd2- I agree with you!
Crowd3- Where is she

Judge- SILENCE! Miss. Kaur pls come and present your point of view.

But avneet was no where seen.


A girl was tied with ropes in a dark room. She was unconcious but now she is slowly gaining it.

Girl-Where am I?

She was feeling weak.

Girl- I need to  proof kalachor innocent!

She is revealed to be avneet.

Avu- Uhh my head pains..


Avneet being lost in thought was rushing to the court when few boys caught her.
She fought well with them but she was alone fighting with 12 boys.

She took her gun out and was to shoot when someone beat her with a steel stick.

She felt pain in her head and everyehere appeared black.

One boy took this oppertunity and made her smell chloroform.

Avneet fell unconcious.


Avu recalled everything.

Avu-I need to go there by hook or crook.

She tried getting up but she was tied strongly.


After a while the door opened.

Avu-Who is there!

Sm1-Avneet, dont shout. Its me.

Avu- You?

Sm1-Yes. Avneet, I cant help u to get out from here, but I can help u by presenting the documents in the court.

Avu-How should I trust u?

Sm1- What are u saying avneet! Is this a time to waste! Siddharth is there in a serious condition.

Avu-Give your phone, adhar card and wallet to me and the documents are my my drawer. Take the key from my pocket.

Sm1 did so and left.

Avu started praying.

Avu- Pls god! Dont make ( sm1 ) him break my trust.


Jan- Where are u avneeeeeet!

After some time.

Judge- So is that a no from your side? So it proved siddharth aka kalachor being the rapist and drug dealer! You agree miss. Zubair?

Jannat had no option left. Her anger fell on avneet.

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