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In the Park:

Sid picked a hand full of stones closing his eyes..

He started throwing the stones one by one blabbering…

Sid- she will come (throwing on stone)

Sid- she will not come(throwing another stone)

He continued his silly game until the last two stones were left…

Sid- she will not come….
And finally throwing the last stone…
Sid-she will……

Before he could speak further, he felt a soft hand in his shoulder….. and he heard a familiar voice:
“What are you doing?”

Sid turned and saw it was……….
His rabbit..

Sid- Nakchadi!!!!!!

He hugged her without thinking twice, leaving her confused….

His sudden act made her blush but she slowly hugged him back….

Her touch made him come back to reality….
He broke the hug…

They have hugged like this before too… but today it felt somewhat different today….

After their normal hugs they generally looked at each other laughing or consoling the other one…. But today they both looked at other opposite directions…

They didn’t had the to look at each other…

While Avneet looked on several  directions, sid took few glances of her…

After a few awkward moment avu saw a bunch of flower in sid’s pocket…

Sid noticed her seeing them so he took them out and gave it to her….
Avu took them and smiled genuinely. For a moment she forgot that she was upset on him….

Avu- Mere liye (for me?)
Sid-haan..(rubbing the back of his neck )
Avu- thank you...
Sid- welcome….

After 4 secs..
Avu(in  a soft  voice filled with emotion)- all of a sudden…..

Sid- woh  because……

Sid( in mind )- Common Siddharth.. you have prepared speeches or her… then why are you silent now?

Avu(in mind )- why is Bandar stammering today!

Sid took a deep breath…..
Sid- because you were angry with me… sorry nakchadi…. I don’t know why you are angry but I know you are upset with me…. Sorry for whatever I did…

Avu(in mind)- He doesn’t even know why I am angry.. but he is asking for forgiveness…. How sweet

Sid expected her to say something, but as she was silent so he thought to speak again…

Sid- please tell my mistake mistake…you didn’t talked to me for almost a week and I was actually very sad… maybe because my rabbit was angry with any of my activity… please tell my mistake, I will rectify it…

It was enough to melt her anger….

She was lost in her world admiring his innocence and was thinking how gentleman he is…

Sid hearing her silence thought she was still upset….

He was very sad as she didn’t talked with her since a week.. it was tough for him as he loves her with his whole heart.

He held her right hand and spoke up

Sid-  please tell my mistake nakchadi.. but don’t stay silent.. please please please nakchadi.. beat me if you want, slap punch do whatever you want but don’t stay silent and break our friendship…

Sid was in his tears when he felt a soft hand upon his…..

It was of his Avneet.

Avu- I forgave you kalachor… don’t cry now…

Sid looked at her..

She was also in her tears..

Sid- you forgave me?

Avu nodded.

Sid got too excited and twirled her in the air……

Sid- yay yay yay…..thank thank thank thank thaaaank you very much……I am very happy yayy.

Avu- Bandar ke bachhe! Put me down!!!!! I am feeling dizzy because of you…

Sid stopped and smiled sheepishly….

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