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Fainnat went to save avneet.
She was locked im raghav's secret den. And as police already captured it, thus it was easy.

Jannat saw avneet tied with a chair. She got tears in her eyes.

She immediately opened the ropes and led her free.

Janeet hugged eachother.

Jan-Avneet... how did you....

Avu-Jannat, is everything okay? Did he proof kala...i mean siddharth innocent?

Jan- Calm down calm down! Yes. He is free.... just he needs to stay for a week as he is a thief.

Avu slowly walked to faisu.

Avu-Thank You Faisu.

Fai- Areh yar whats thank you in friendship?

They hugged each other.

Avu-Jannat, he is my childhood friend but one day he went missing then today I found him after ages.

Fainnat and avneet went in a car in their destination, which was jannat's home.

In the car fainnat told avu what happened in the court.
They also applied medicine in her wounds and had a talking time.

While on the other hand:

Amandeep and sonia sat together.

Aman- I raised my voice of avu for that bastard...

Sonia- We trusted him over her.

Aman- Raghav would also have forced her if we gave their marriage.

Sonia- That guy, siddharth his life became hell just for raghav.

They were regreting on what they had done.
They decided to ask forgiveness to avu and then judge siddharth as they knows avu being in love with siddharth.


Raghav- What I thought. What happened. The great raghav sharma is now under police. There is no way to run neither I can call my mafia source....

In avneet's home:
She came in her home.

Avu-Papaa! Mumma!! Open the door.

The door got opened and avu saw amandeep kneeling with his two legs with his two hands closed.

Aman-Sorry avu I...

Avu ran to him and held his hands.

Avu-What are u doing papa?
Aman- I am very bad. I was forcing u to marry a bad person.
I believed him over you.

Avu-Its okay papa. Please stand.

Sonia too said sorry to her.

Avu- Please stop this sorry session now! Um... may I go to meet kalachor?

Aman-Sure. But first have some food.

Avu went to meet sid in his prison.

Hearing her footsteps sid looked to see who it was.
He found its avneet.
Their eyes met.

Avu was smiling. Her face said as if she wants to say something to him.

But he stood up and went to the other side.

Avu got confused.
She thought he was angry as it was unexpected for both of them.

Avu- Kalachor...

Sid didnt answer.


Sid still didnt turn towards her.

Avu-Why are you acting like that?... why arent you listening to me?
Siddharth listen to me once. Are you sulking?

She kept talking.

Sid closed his ears.

But then also she was trying to talk to him.

He started acting as if no one is talking to him. There was two stones and he started playing with them.

He acted as if there was no one.

Avu's eyes filled with tears.

Avu- Why are you ignoring meee!

Sid yawned.

This time avneet too lost her temper.


She ran from there.

Sid- I still love you but I will move on from you Miss. Betrayer!

After this raghav was given death. All the girls whom he raped and was alive came to him.
They slapped, punched and beat him with belts.
At the end sid came to him and slapped him the hardest. It was for giving nasty looks to avneet. Although sid tried moving from her but he failed.

Then amandeep came. He beat him mercily.
There was then hot oil poured in his body.

Then finally he was killed by tying a rope in his neck.

He was the nightmare of many girls.... many boys... they all took their revenge beating him. All were happy seeing raghav getting the punishment he deserved.

Sid promised never to steal again. His umcle and aunty were given prisonage for 3 years for forcing a child to become a thief.
Sidneet were happy but were much broken cause their love had a scratch in it.

Thats it....
The end of Season 2 of Adaat.

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